Chapter 9 || pretzels and plane rides

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Alexander's third person POV:

And there she was. Standing in front of her in her leather jacket was the girl Alexander thought she would never see again. As soon as her eyes locked with Jenna's, she felt as though the entire word had stopped around them. They stared at each other for what had felt like hours, but was probably only a few seconds, until Jasmin runs up to Jenna, hugging her tightly as Jenna hugs her back, still partially stunned by the fact that she was seeing a friend she hadn't seeing in 7 years.

Once Jasmin let go of Jenna, Alexander had the the tugging urge to just run up to Jenna and hug her, blab about how much she had missed her and wondered where she was and how she was doing, but of course she couldn't do that, Jenna would probably think of her as such an embarrassment. Of course, Jasmin runs over to greet Melissa and Mason, as the two are left together across from each other. 

Finally, Alexander builds up the courage to get closer to her old friend, taking a few steps forward, seeing that Jenna was still quite short, "its really good to see you again." her tone soft, as Jenna flashes a smile to her, a smile that Alexander missed seeing after all these years, "Yeah. If I'm honest I didn't think you were really going to get into cinematography." Alexander softly laughs -the thought looming in her mind if Jenna had missed Alex's voice as much as Alexander missed hers- "Yeah well, I guess I just stuck with it. I've met some really cool people along the way." Jenna nods in agreement, "Me too, acting has been great, but really busy." Alexander sighs, "Honestly though." Jenna giggles softly at Alex's humor, it felt as though they were truly friends again.

"Alright guys come around!" Matt calls out, as all the actors and cinematographers gather around the table. Alexander feels her hand brush softly against Jenna's, as her heartbeat quickens slightly. It was only a slight feeling of her soft hand, but the moment felt so precious. She slightly shakes her head No. stop it Alexander, come on, you have a girlfriend.

Matt and Tyler make a toast to all the new people apart of the crew, "Devyn, Liana, Jack, Alexander, good to have you in the crew." Tyler raises his glass as the crowd cheers and claps.

There were two tables, one smaller table for the main directors, and a bigger table for all the actors and cinematographers who where present. This was only part of the crew, there were a few other groups of cast members and designers who would be taking different flights, this groups was just the main cast and crew.

 Alexander sat herself beside Jasmin, as Jenna took a seat beside Alex, focused talking with Melissa beside her. It was a pizza place so they ordered a bunch of different varieties of pizza. Cheese, pepperoni, and some with a load of veggies on top. Each of us took a slice, Alex took a cheese, enjoying it as she sees that Jenna isn't eating as much. She didn't want to interfere but she admitted that she felt a smudge of worry in her.

Alexander finished two slices of pizza and some salad, glancing at Jenna every once in a while. She ate a slice and some salad, but that was it. Alexander could tell that she was trying not to each to much.

Their flight was at 5pm, and it was currently 4:28, so everyone started to get up from their seats, cleaning up and grabbing their bags. Alexander slipped through to get her backpack followed with a suitcase, as she walked out of the restaurant, thanking the waiter as she breathed in the cold brisk air. The airport was a small walk ahead, but it was only a few minutes until they got inside. The crew was waiting by the lobby, the sound everyone chattering didn't sit quite well with Alexander. she took her phone out of her sweater pocket, plugging in her headphones as she plays her playlist, a song by Girl In Red coming on first, as relief started to wash over her.

"Flight 12824 to Montreal boarding now!" the PA speaker manages to make its way through the Alex G blasting into Alexander's ears, as she manages to hear the announcement slightly. She removes her earbud, as she slowly walks with the crew to their gate. they all made it on board, as all get their seating, it was randomized so nobody really knew who they were sitting next to except Matt and Tyler knew they were sitting next to each other.

C14, C14, C14.. C14! Alexander looks over to see two seats arranged together, sitting on the window seat was of course, Jenna.

I swear Jasmin must've switched something. Anxiety filled Alexander to the brim, as she carefully reaches above her, clicking open the compartment and fitting her suitcase in. She took a seat beside Jenna, her noise canceling headphones comfortably on her ears, as she glances over to Alexander, before removing her headphones slightly enough for her to be able to hear, "oh, hey." She says softly as Alexander smiles to her, "hi."

The two sit in silence, Alexander attempted to try and make conversation once or twice, only to end up stopping herself each time, she didn't want to bother Jenna, nor did she want to make her feel uncomfortable in any way.

Soon enough the plane takes off, as Alex puts her earbuds in, listening to her music as she observes the plane because she had nothing better to do.

An hour or so into the plane ride, a flight attendant starts to walk around with a cart of snacks. "would you like something to eat or drink?" Alexander looks up, removing an earbud as she observes the cart, "uhm, I'll take a Mars bar and.." she turns her head over, "Jenna do you-" she stops herself as she sees the girl's head leaned against the window, using her arm as a pillow, as Alexander smiles, glad that the girl could get some rest.

"Sorry uhm, I'll take a Mars bar, two cups of water and a bag of pretzels please." she says to the lady, as she takes the things she requested from the cart, passing them over to Alexander as she thanks the girl. Once the flight attendant left, Alexander carefully opened Jenna's table/desk on the plane (A/N: ykwim those little desks that come out of the seat in front of you? if ykyk) placing the bag of pretzels and water onto the desk. She remembered back then that pretzels were one of her favorite chips, she just hoped they still were, besides, she wanted Jenna to eat a little something anyway.

She opened her Mars bar carefully, as she sinks her teeth into the chocolatey caramel bar. After finishing half of it, she lets out a yawn, before adjusting herself and letting her eyelids flutter off to sleep.

TW: $H scars

Jenna's third person POV:

Jenna's eyes blink awake, as she looks around removing her headphones and letting them hang around her neck. The plane was quiet, except for the faint noise of the plane engine. Rubbing her eyes, she looks in front of her to see a small plastic cup filled with water, and a bag of pretzels. my favorite. Jenna felt confused for a moment, until she realized. She looked beside her, to see Alexander fast asleep, her earbuds in. her heart flutters at the fact that she had remembered one of her favorite chips. She opens the bag, taking the pretzels and snacking on them, as she looks out to the view of the sky.

While she was snacking on her pretzels, Jenna had time to think and clear up her thoughts. Her thoughts wondered about if Jenna and Alexander would become close friends again like before. She glances to Alexander, gazing at her for a moment as she notices her slightly rolled up sleeve. Memories flood back to her, as she leans in a inch closer, as she notices the faint but deep scars on her arm.

Jenna's heart sinks, she wanted to give Alex a big hug right then and there, but she couldn't. All she could do was gaze at her old childhood friend, and regret her past and why she hadn't been there for her. She chuckles slightly, knowing her Jenna ever brought this up to Alexander she knew the exact words she would say.

"Don't ever blame yourself for that. It isn't your fault at ALL. And I know you know we both know that." Jenna smiles at her bag of pretzels, as she looks out the window once again.

She had a feeling these few months were going to be fun.

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A/N: man this fanfic might be long- hope this is enjoyable:]

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