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Collette's POV

Senior year starts tomorrow is what I think to myself as I walk through the abnormally large target. I'm trying to find a few more school supplies for myself and my sister, she's starting first grade this year. Shes the sweetest little souls ever.

I'm walking through the aisle that has all the school stuff. She's supposed to have a set of markers and a sticker pack. I've been trying to get some for over a week but everywhere I look seems to be out.

Luckily I find the sticker pack she needs and grab one of those. I walk over to see if I can see any coloured markers and I see one last pack left.

"Mine, sorry." A tall woman says.

She's not that much taller than me but maybe a couple inches. She's got long thick brown hair that's pulled back into a low ponytail, lips that somehow make a heart shape, cat-shaped like eyes that are a deep green. She's wearing a white top and a pair of jeans with some air forces.

She just stole my markers!

"Hey. Those were mine first." I huff at her.

"Too bad sweetheart. I'm sure you'll find another set." She sends me a condescending smile with a wink and turns to walk away.

Where am I supposed to find markers now? I've looked everywhere and Kinsley needs them for tomorrow.

She's a bitch.

I accepted my defeat and moved on to go buy her some clothes. I went to the clothing section and decided to buy Kinsley some dresses, jeans, shorts, skirts and couple tops. I also got her a second set of earrings since her old ones are starting to ware away and give her lobe infections.

Once I was done I headed to the check out counters where I saw that god awful woman again. She made eye contact with me and sent me the same condescending smile. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the cashier.

"Would you like a bag for all this?" She asked a calmly.

"Yes please." I said nodding my head.

I paid and walked out with my stuff and went to my car. Once I was there I could help but think now I have to ask my dad to order some online for Kinny, he'll be pissed if he's drinking. Fine if he's not. I need to prepare for both situations.

I drove in the direction of my house and took a minute to build up the courage to ask him. I grabbed my stuff and went inside.

"Letty!" Kinsley came running to the door with excitement as she saw me.

"Hi Kinny. How are you?" I ask her

"I'm okay. Did you buy my sticker pack?" She asks me with a gappy smile since she's already missing her two front teeth.

"Yeah I did, I also got you some clothes, where's dad?" I ask her since I can't see him in his usual lounge spot.

"He's making me chicken nuggets in the kitchen." She says with a smile as she goes through the stuff I got her.

"Hi dad." I say softly to him.

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