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Once we arrived at the club we hyped ourselves up so much getting out of the uber to head to the entrance.

Both Zoë and I trailed behind Birdie who was definitely the more confident one out of us three.

I was kind of shy and coward away most of the time, Zoë was a natural flirt and could get anything but is always timid at first and Birdie is the confident one. She's just all round confident in everything.

"Yeah we're on the guest list, under Totem." Birdie spoke.

"Right this way. And up the velvet stairs. Enjoy your night ladies." The bouncer said to us as his eyes skimmed over the page and once he looked up his eyes traced our bodies in a slightly uncomfortable way.

We just moved past him quickly. The club was packed. People had already started dancing and the smell of alcohol moved through the air as the strobe lights coated the dance floor and walls.

"Let's go choose a table." Birdie said raising her voice slightly over the music.

We walked towards the velvet staircase and Birdie gave our names again and we walked up to choose a table.

"This place is nice for real. We really owe barker one." Zoë said.

"Yeah we do." I said as I looked around the place the place in awe.

"Okay, shots to start with. More like three each." Zoë said excitedly and Birdie nodded in excitement.


"Maybe I'll just have one for now." I said.

"Letty, live a little! Just tonight." Birdie said with a slight groan.

"Fine, shots it is." I smiled as they clapped their hands before Birdie got up to go grab us a couple drinks.

Zoë and I talked while she was away and once she got back she had a tray of shots.

I picked one up and clinked glasses with the girls as I threw the burning liquid back. It burnt and I coughed a little while the girls all cheered. As much as it burned the thrill was good, even if the after taste was horrible.

"Wooh! There we go! Another one." Birdie said and I didn't even hesitate to take one and throw it back.

A couple drinks in and the girls and I were having a great time. We sang along to the music for a bit before we made our way to the dance floor.

To be honest I was having a way better time than I thought and the alcohol was definitely taking its course. While we were down there I danced with a few people in didn't even know. It was all fun.

At some point I got tired and decided to head to the bar and take a seat for a second.

"What can I get you love?" The bartender asked me from behind the counter.

She was pretty. She had blue eyes and dark hair. Her features almost resemble Megan fox. She looked young too.

"Surprise me." I said confidently and she smiled at me.

"Got it." She said with a wink as she turned around to concoct something on the other side.

I turned on my stool to look around to see if I could see my friend amongst the pool of people.

I spotted Birdie almost instantly dancing with some guy who looked to be maybe in his late twenties.

After a little more searching I found Zoë dancing up against a blonde with long hair. She looked pretty from here.

"Here you go love." The bartender said handing me a colourful glass, blue and purple to be exact.

I took a sip of it and it was sweet but not overly sweet and it had a good balance of spirits and whatever else was in this.

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