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There she was, standing in the door way of Valentina's office. Why the fuck was she here?

Val said they weren't even part of the same friend group. They had completely different friend groups but why is she here?

"Can I help you?" She scoffed at me as she looked me up and down.  "I'm sure Vivian is out there with the rest of the people." She said.

"Come in darling." Valentina said from her desk as she saw me.

"Darling? Wow!" Zara said as I moved past her inside the office.

"Seriously Val, you chose the child." Zara scoffed.

"She's not a child, Zara. But I think I'm starting to understand that your pea sized head can't comprehend that." Valentina countered and I still stayed in against the wall.

I looked past Valentina as she walked over to me. Velvet the bear was on her office chair. I wanted to smile but I didn't.

I was so confused. Why is Zara here?

Val took my hand and to a chair where we both sat down.

Something inside of me felt happy that I just got to be held by her again and the fact that it felt like she was showing me off.

Zara's eyes moved with us the entire time. I could see her eyes were filled with a sort of anger but I didn't care, I just wanted to know why she was here.

"What are you doing here?" I finally spoke after what felt like a life time of silence but in reality was maybe two minutes, three at most.

"I don't necessarily have to explain much to you." She scoffed.

"No seriously, even I want to know what you're doing at my house, causing a scene for everyone else here." Valentina said coldly while her arms stayed rested around me as I sat in her lap.

"Val, you know we're us. There's so much and I miss you. I fucked up I know but please can we talk about us more. Surely you feel it, the coffee shop felt like us again, the banter, it was us." She said softly looking at Valentina.

Something in me was boiling. I didn't know what. I didn't like the idea that she thought her and Valentina could be again.

I've worried about this so much and each time I talk to Valentina about it she always reassures me that they won't, there's too much hurt there.

But hearing her think it out loud is making me...angry? I don't know.

I started digging my nails into my palms to try and calm my racing mind as I waiting to see what Val would say.

"Zara," Valentina said placing her hands over mine as she tried to stay calm. "How many times must I say that it's something in the past. You hurt me too much. And it was never right in the beginning anyways." She said calmly and tried not to shout.

"We were us. It was always right. Let's just talk more you and I." Zara said in a huff.

"Talk now or don't talk again." Valentina said sternly.

"This is between us. Zara and Valentina. Just us, the people that once loved, just us. " Zara said, she sounded annoyed but tried to keep a soft facade. She was growing irritated that Valentina wasn't budging.

"She's my girlfriend, talk now or don't talk at all." Valentina said as she raised an eyebrow.

I didn't like where this was going. I knew I should stay here, I felt nice being in her presence but I hated Zara. I had no valid reason to hate her but I do. I hated how she was acting now, she looked so innocent. They broke up more than seven months ago and she was still trying. I hated that she couldn't get over it.

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