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Vivan and I drove in silence to the club.

The whole time, his words rang in my ears.

I needed to get them out. I wanted to be drunk and forget that he ever end called me.

"Did Valentina do something?" Vivian asked.

"Does she have to be the one to have done something wrong for me to be angry?" I scoffed rudely.

"Jesus Letty. I'm just wondering. Did you see the way your girlfriend's face dropped when you were driving fifteen minutes without her? And the whole house heard you tell her to fuck off. So pardon my asking." She said.


"You're behaving childish."

"Careful who you call a child. You're the same person about to take me into a club." I said rudely.

"I swear to god if you weren't my best friends girlfriend, I would drop you right fucking here." She scoffed.

We pulled into the club parking lot and I got out fairly quickly.

Zoë came up to me as soon as her and Quinn were parked.

"Hey, what's up? We all heard. Did she do something." Zoë asked me softly as everyone else got out of their cars.

"She didn't do anything." I sighed.

"Then why are you behaving like a bitch. After I came back from the toilet back home, you've been shitty. There was countless times you could've talked about Valentina in the car but you took zero. And you love talking about her." She paused for a moment.

"What's making you such a cunt tonight?" She asked.

"Nothing. Jesus." I sighed. "I just need to be drunk. And maybe fucked. To forget." I said.

"So fucking tell her that. Stop being a cunt to her. She's nothing but good to you. You are being a bitch with zero reason."

"I just need a drink maybe ten."

"Talk to her Letty. Communicate. Even if she has nothing to do with this. Talk to her. Don't do whatever you're doing now." Zoë said before she walked away.

I watched as Valentina jumped out of her car. She was cold. Her face was stone cold. I did that.

Fucking hell.

I walked with everyone else to the door. Stella said something and we all walked in.

The smell of alcohol roamed through the air and the sound of the music filled the room and the strobe lights bounced off the walls.

I wanted to drink. Badly.

We found a table upstairs which was nice, it was a big enough one where we could all sit comfortably.

"Can I go grab us shots?" Quinn said.

"I'll come with you." Vivian said, then Emily and then Lottie then Zoë and even Valentina went. It was just me, Rainnie, and Stella.

"What was the office about?" Rainnie asked.


"Don't give us the nothing bullshit. Did Valentina do something?" Stella said sternly to me.

"No." I said.

"Then why are you acting like a little shit? She's hurt." Stella added.

"Okay, stel, maybe theres a reason." Rainnie reasoned with her but Stella's eyebrow remained raised.

"I'll admit I shouldn't have yelled at her. But it's hard when everyone is asking if you're okay, when clearly I'm fine." I said

"Yeah babe, you didn't even look fine when you walked in. I mean you look good. But you had your fists balled up and a detached look on your face." Rainnie said as Stella agreed.

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