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Collette's POV

Miss Fairbourne really helped me a lot. I went home and immediately told Colton I don't feel safe anymore, especially after that night.

Colton made my father really get help and instead of my dad signing himself into rehab, Colton did. Essentially means my father can't check himself out whenever he wants to.

So life has been weird. It's only been five days and I've really just been trying to process it more. Like letting it really sink in that maybe this time things will change.

Everyday I go to school to see miss Fairbourne and that's my purpose for going really. Obviously other things too but getting to see her makes my heart jump even at the thought of it.

Like talking to her for five minutes each day is so comforting to me. Even if it's become kinda flirty, It brightens my day. Even though she knows my biggest secret this far, she treats me like normal.

I never realised how much I needed it. I think I'd break over and over again if she treated me any differently. So I'm really thankful she's treating me normally.

And I think I may—definitely—have feelings for miss Fairbourne. She's pretty, funny, warm sometimes and is softer one-on-one, at least with me.

Everyday I find myself thinking about her a little more. It's odd. I'll be sitting in a random class and then I'll suddenly think about her green eyes and from then on it's like I'm intoxicated.

Her eyes are so enchanting, cold from afar and maybe up close.

"Right, everyone turn to page 45 in your text books, we're doing an experiment." Mr Bale says to the class.

I'm in chemistry and I've always like the science behind it but learning it is pure shit. I hate learning chemistry there's too many elements to memorise and sometimes the theory is pointless.

I just find the experiments cool.

This is one of the classes I have with birdie. She's a natural genius. She's one of those people who don't have to try hard to get good grades, she just does effortlessly.

I opened my book as I sat next to birdie, she didn't bring her book so we shared.

"What are you doing after school?" Birdie asked in a whisper as the class fell silence.

Mr bale started talking but I didn't really listen, I was thinking about after school.

I now knew after school miss Fairbourne would take Artemis out to the park for 45 minutes and let him run wild so that when he lashed a calmer walk in the evening he falls straight asleep, much like a child would do.

My options for after school, I could go to the park and say it's a coincidence or I could go with whatever birdie is thinking.

"I don't know yet." I whispered back to her as mr bale kept talking.

"Great I was thinking we could go shopping for a bit, then I could come over to yours for dinner?" Birdie said.

"Mine?" I asked confused a little louder than expected.

"Letty, since you're talking I'm sure you've figured out how to balance the reaction once you do the experiment?" Mr bale asked me in a condescending way as he folded his arms.

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