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Collette's POV

Thanksgiving break is tomorrow. This is the last Monday at school before we close for the next week.

After the whole fair incident I went to the hospital and turns out I just had superficial burn on my hand and it should heal by the end of thanks giving break.

Ally apologised but I told her it wasn't her fault. She couldn't have controlled if I was going to hurt myself or not, so it's not her fault.

It's nearing the end of the school day and the only thing left is our assembly, where they give the usual enjoy your thanksgiving and we'll see you after. But today I also know Valentina is giving that speech.

I miss her.

I keep trying to move on and make my peace with my decision because I was right it was too dangerous. She couldn't lose this job, it's such a good opportunity for her and I can't risk NYU. Means too much to me.

It was better to hurt us both than to eventually get hurt by someone else.

Birdie, me and Zoë sat down in assembly together. We looked down at the teachers in their chairs at the bottom they all looked so bored like they just wanted to get out of here. I mean we felt the same too.

"You know she flipped out over your hand." Zoë said to me softly, even though there was endless student chatter around us.

"What?" I asked confused.

"She used Quinn's full name and was really angry. I mean even I was scared but I could see she cared. Even if she said she didn't care."

"How do you know this?" I asked her confused.

"After you and Ally left, Quinn said she'd drop me home but she wanted to introduce me to her friends. And there she was—"

"Did you go to her house?" I asked. Feeling a little jealous.

"No, her friend Stella's house but she was there. Apparently I haven't met everyone either." Zoë said as she shrugged a little.

"Oh okay. She said she didn't care?" I asked.

"Yeah but it was obvious she does."

"I doubt that. She always has time look on her face. Like look at her." I blushed when I looked at her.

I need to move on.

"Why was it again that you stopped with her?" Zoë asked

"It was getting too risky and—"

"I've heard all that. Dig deeper, why did you stop? You clearly like her and—"

"Zoë it was just getting too dangerous and I didn't want to risk anything. It would've been unfair to all of us. I solved a big issue with a simple solution, end of." I said annoyed at Zoë.

I had my reasons and they were exactly that.

But I missed staying behind after class and sitting in her lap while she peppered kisses on me as she worked for a bit. Or when we'd have a date and I'd land up back at her house in her clothes and everything.

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