Bonus | Our little life

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Valentina's POV

Five years later

"Mami?" I tiny voice at my bedside.

It's been almost five years since Collette and I got married.

Collette and I got married almost immediately after she finished college. She already had a job offer that was willing to take her at any given point.

We got married in the spring. It was an amazing wedding and honestly, everything I could've ever dreamt of for us. I shed a tear at the altar. My mother and Collette's grandparents cried the most out of happiness.

We spent our honeymoon in Paris. The city was just so beautiful, even more beautiful than the first time we went there.

Soon after we got married, Collette and I decided we wanted kids. I didn't want kids to begin with but after I proposed to Collette I started seeing her little feature in every small child. Like her big brown eyes and the little dimples she had on each cheek the idea of having kids with Collette became my new favorite thing to imagine.

So we talked and didn't even wait a week to start the process. So a week later we found our donor and Collette got pregnant.

Nine months later we had our baby girl, Fleur Elise Fairbourne.

She's a little ball of sunshine, she has long curly thick brown hair and green eyes. Collette's dimples and she smiles a lot.

And two years later, we decided to have another baby this time using reciprocal IVF. My egg and the same donor we used to get pregnant with Fleur. Collette was still the one to get pregnant.

Nine months after that, we had a second baby girl. Saylor Grace Fairbourne.

Saylor is my splitting image but has brown eyes like my wife. She's only two but is hyper as hell. She's got an attitude exactly like mine and some days I think it's karma for all the stress I put my mother under as a child.

She's a sweet little kid and fiery as hell. She's only just about to turn three in a few weeks and she's so naughty.

She's run off with many things we've both needed, rubbed Sudocrem all over her body, and plays hide and seek for fun five minutes before we have to leave somewhere.

She also has her moments, which seem more often than not. She's got a kind heart and loves taking care of people. Like picking a small flower from our garden to make your day that much brighter or taking time to learn exactly how to do something so she can do it right with you next time.

I guess she gets that from Collette.

The girls also have their favorite parents. Collette and Saylor are as thick as thieves while Fleur and I are close.

Having two moms for Fleur got a little confusing for her when she would call us both mama when she was younger so we went for me being mami and Collette being mommy.

The cold winter sun was shining through our curtains, my arms were holding Collette close as she slept with her head buried in my neck.

"Mami?" My daughter said tapping me lightly.

"Mhm." I turned my head and slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light in our room.

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