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Valentina's POV

I honestly wasn't expecting last night at all.

I was taken aback when she said she wanted to touch me last night, I thought we'd talk and pick a direction for us. But last night ended up being one of the best nights I've ever spent with a woman.

She made me beg? Like actually beg to come.

She left at just a little past eight this morning for school, I told her I'd see her later in school and that was it.

I knew we still needed to talk about everything.

One thing I didn't like about last night was the fact that all of this made her want to compete with Zara.

She doesn't need to compete, simply because she doesn't compare. Collette has a way with everything she does, it's tender and soft. Something warm and serene.

While Zara is chaotic. In every way. I remember my first date with Zara, we went out for dinner at some high end fancy place and she made an entire scene because the waiter brought the wrong wine. She apologised and we did it again, a picnic in the park. It was all so chaotic and rocky. Nothing was ever certain with her.

With Collette, nothing is certain either because of our positions but it's serene. On our first date, I laughed so much. I've never laughed so much with someone outside of my closest friends.

Every moment with her is soft and memorable.

I don't want her to compete. Not when she's won.

I left for Stella and Lottie's house because the twins are both sick and Lottie is struggling alone with both of them while Stella's away in london for work.

I was going to help Lottie out this morning while Vivian and Quinn helped her in the evening.

"Hello?" I said from the front door.

"Val! Thank you so much." Lottie said as I walked to the kitchen.

She has both the girls in her arms while she attempted to cut fruit for them.

"I'll grab Natalia." I walked over and took the toddler out of her arms.

"Thank you. They're clingy when they're ill. And someone misses Stella too much." She said pointing at Nat.

"That's fine. What's wrong with them?"

"Natalia has gastro, fancy word for an exaggerated tummy bug and Emilia has the flu. A bad case."


"I know, they're getting better though, they were worse last week. Here you go baby." She said hand Emilia a mango piece and then one to Natalia.

"How was everything Letty?" She asked.

"Good, I'd say good now."

"That's good, so what are going to do now? Have you had a talk about all this? Because you could both go on a hundred dates and then just stay there if you don't have a direction." She said as I followed behind her to the twins bedroom.

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