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Valentina's POV

It's been almost two weeks since Collette and I talked everything out.

A lot of it made sense, from the attitude she caught with me to the silence I had for three days straight.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't pissed off. Because i was. I prefer to talk the issue out instead of getting angry and walking away from it. Which is what Collette did.

It pissed me off. I didn't like how she left too, I thought everything was fine but apparently not. She left at two in the morning in an Uber. She didn't text me when she got home and I was beyond worried something happened to her. I went back inside and drank almost all the whiskey I had.

But I decided to give her space, because maybe it's what she needed for a bit.

And then last week when Stella said  shes at the door and asked to talk. I wanted to scream and honestly argue with her, because out of everyone why was I taking the heat for something I never knew of.

I didn't. I held back and just took it as a moment to talk. I was still gentle and soft. And she explained, i understood where she was coming from.

She was worried and scared, so I understood.

Now it's two weeks later and a Wednesday, I haven't seen Collette for the last week. She was in for her test but after that day, I haven't seen her since. No teachers have. Which is very unlike Collette to not be in school.

Her texts have become short and sweet, very unlike her.

Normally she'd call if I don't see her all day. She'd call and I'd listen to her talk about her new interest for the day. So it's worried me a bit but, I know her pitiful excuse of a father is back so she's gotten busy now.

I have one class left for the day, English 12.

Today is one of their final days to complete their essays on a current world crisis. On Friday I need it on my desk for marking.

"Alright, sit down." I raise my voice to my class coldly as I walk in.

"Today is one of your final days to complete the essay on a current world crisis. I want it on my desk by Friday morning. No later." I say to them before taking my seat at my desk.

I look around and see that everyone is either pulling out their laptops to work or their papers.

My eyes land on an empty seat right next to Zoë. I sigh softly and shake my head.

This is the fifth time in the last two week she hasn't been in.

I decided to send her a message, for the third time today.

Hi love, I'm just wondering if you're okay? Remember I'm still here for you, darling.

I watch as the three bubbles appear and then disappear as quickly as they showed up.

Read 14:47

She's seen it, but no reply.

It's okay. It's fine. She's busy. Understandable.

I distract myself by working. I draft emails needed to be sent and send off emails and reply to emails. Plan further lessons for the next three weeks, and come up with more designs for Havana.

I look at my phone once more to see if she's replied but nothing. Instead I've got a message from Stella.

Hi, I'm coming to pick you up after the school day. Lottie's using the house and as much as I love my girls, I'm not spending two hours watching them do the same trick in a pool over and over again.

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