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It's been a week since Valentina and I said I love you.

It might have been in the middle of the farmers market but it didn't make it any less meaningful to me.

On Sunday it was Valentina's birthday. She turned 26. I went out with Zoë early during Sunday and grabbed her flowers and a present. It wasn't anything big just a bracelet and some chocolate.

While we were supposed to be getting ready to head to Stella's house we might have been running late because we might've had a little too much fun in the shower.

Anyways, the brunch went well. It was supposed to be just brunch but we ended up staying until sunset, which was so pretty over the ocean.

School this week has been okay. I've been doing the work and getting my grades back up but I think I'm falling tired.

Like extremely tired.

"Alright. Practical time." Mr Daley said as he walked in all cheery.

"Please all partner up, today we're testing a kinetic and gravitational pull." He said with a smile and hand demonstrations.

I was alone in this class so I didn't exact know who to partner up with.

"Do you wanna be together?" I heard someone ask behind me.

I turned to see Ally. "Sure." I sent her a small smile.

"Cool." She smiled back at me. Ally moved beside me and Mr Daley came around with the equipment for the practical.

After he finished he started explaining it and it seemed fairly simple and straightforward, but time consuming.

Ally and I started and it took us almost the whole lesson to get proper readings. It was hard but we did it.

"You all did wonderfully today." Mr Daley clapped his hands.

My wrist buzzed and I looked down, drowning out Mr Daley. Three buzzes. An 'I love you.'

I blushed and hid my wrist fighting to hide my smile.

"Next week we'll do the vibration experiment. So come prepared." Mr Daley announced.

I might have missed everything else he said but I could take a guess. I tapped my bracelet sending three buzzes back.

"Should we partner together next week too?" Ally asked me.

"What? Sorry." I shook my head and asked her.

"Next week? For the vibration practical?" She repeated Mr Daley's words.

"Oh yeah, sure. Sorry I was a little lost there." I said.

"It's okay. Your girlfriend's making you blush." She said flatly.

I tried not to blush even more but getting the three little buzzes from Valentina makes my day. Every day. And it's Friday, so I can go over to her house if she isn't busy.

"Sorry." I said picking up my stuff.

"It's okay. Are you busy after school? Today?" She asked.

Zoë and I have plans. She's supposed to go to Quinn's house this weekend but Quinn is spending the day with my girlfriend, so we're killing two birds with one stone and driving over together.

"Yeah. Sorry. Zoë and I are going somewhere together." I said feeling excited to see Val.

I know I saw her yesterday in school but it's been a full twenty-four hours since I hugged her or kissed her, and I miss her.

"Where to?" She asked full of hope.

"Just somewhere a little out of town."

"If it's okay with you I could come? Spend more time with you both." She said with a beaming smile.

I realised what her aim was and I wasn't here for it. I need to make it clear that she doesn't really have a chance.

I don't think she gets it though because no matter how many times I tell her gently that there's no chance and I have a girlfriend, she doesn't get it.

"Ally...we're going to see our girlfriends." I tell her.

"I could meet them. I mean what kind of good friend does know her friend's girlfriends?" She said trying to make a joke out of it.

"Ally...I'm really sorry if I keep leading you on in some way. I do love my girlfriend, a lot. Zoë and I are off to see them. Maybe we can do something another day after school." I said as gently as possible.

"I know. I'm just trying to be a good friend." She said as her smile faltered. I felt bad.

Really bad.

"I'm sorry." I said to her.

"Don't be sorry Letty. It's okay. And maybe we can do something next week." She said with a smile.

"Yeah of course." I said as I gave her a hug.

"I'll see you next week." I said to her. Pulling away from the hug.

"See you." She said and I walked away to my car to already find my best friend next to my car.

"You're already here?" I chuckled at her.

"Forgive me for being excited to see my girlfriend. Why'd you take so long?" Zoë asked as we jumped into my car.

"Ally wanted to come with us today. I had to shut her down gently. I feel really bad for it." I sighed as I threw my bag in the back.

"You needed to. Don't be sorry. She can't exactly know you're dating Val. Don't be sorry for protecting your peace." Zoë said in a shrug.

"Yeah." I said pulling out of the parking lot.

"Quinn texted and asked if we could pick up some cookie dough." Zoë said.

"Cool." I said.

We drove to target first and grabbed a couple things. I grabbed icing and a box mix cake, a few candles and flowers for Val.

"Jesus, trying to make me look bad." Zoë laughed as her eyes fell upon the flowers in my hands. They were white roses. One of her favourites.

"No, oh my gosh. Go grab your girlfriend flowers." I said to Zoë in a laugh.

"Alright." She left me with the mini cart we had. I walked around a little. I didn't really need anything else.

I wondered into the fridge section, with all the cold stuff. I grabbed a strawberry sorbet for us as well. I prefer mango but Val doesn't like mangos so I grabbed strawberry.

"I thought you only liked the mango." I heard a familiar voice behind me. Not one I particularly want to hear.

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