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The day has been quite...boring. Really. Nothing has happened. We've had our classes and all the teachers are getting us to do is ice breakers like we don't already know each other.

Luckily it's lunch now and I'm just waiting for Zoë and Birdie to come to the cafeteria, I have only one class without one of them, physics.

Mr Daley, our physics teacher is actually such a joy. He makes the clases fun and intriguing, he's a good teacher. He's also super close to the students, we talk to him about lots of stuff and whenever we don't find class interesting he finds a way to teach it again to make it more interesting for all of us.

I don't know a single person who's failing his class, it's the most passable class you could have. The learning is easy and the teacher is good.

"Letty!" Zoë says as she approaches our regular lunch spot.

The girls and I aren't popular. Yeah we're known around school but we don't click with everyone. In school we really only have each other and that's pretty much all we've needed all these years.

"Hey ZoZo." I say with a smile.

"How was your physics class?" She asks me while we eat the fries she has together.

"It's Mr Daley, so it was all good. Great first day back lesson, especially since all the others have been boring as hell." I say dusting my hands off.

"You're lucky, you and birdie have him. I have miss amber and she's so boring we all fell asleep."

"She actually sucks." I say and we let out a little laugh as birdie approaches the table.

"Have you guys seen the new English teacher?" She asks in excitement.

"Hi to you too B." Zoë says with some sarcasm.

"Hi, have you?" She asks us again.

"No why?" I ask eating my own fries now with both Birdie and Zoë.

"Shit. I wanted to know if you guys saw her, she's supposed to be really hot but a total bitch too." She says as she sighs.

"Did you see her? Or have her for English?" Zoë asks.

"No I haven't seen her or have her for English, I'm stuck with mr pat." She sighs and we both let out a laugh.

Mr Pat, is know for being the teacher to do all sorts of gross things while teaching. And he brings up the topic of pedophilia a little too much, any chance he gets. He's also a bit of a sexist.

None of us have any idea why the school still has him.

Then again, it's the Hamptons, you could buy your way into anything around here.

"I'm so sorry B, maybe you could put in a request to be moved before anyone else does." I say.

"I'm gonna get my dad to do it, I can't with the man. I swear he's a child offender." She says annoyed and both me and Zoë laugh.

We talked for the rest of lunch about everything new in school, how we thought the year would go and inevitably, the back to school party that's been thrown.

The three of us always get invited but we don't show, very rarely do we show. We always spend those days doing something we all like, since parties aren't really our scenes.

"Okay we have to go to English now." Zoë sighs as she gets up.

"Hopefully you have the new teacher." Birdie says.

"Hopefully." I say crossing my fingers.

"Let's go Letty, we'll see you later B." Zoë says looping her arm with mine.

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