chapter 1

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Lilly's POV:
"Oh god first day of junior year" I dig through my closet looking for something to wear. "This will work" I quietly get dressed and get ready. "Lilly" my dad yells. "Crap I'm late on the first day" I run out my room and grab an apple. "Bye dad" "bye Lilly" I run out the door and barely make it to the bus. I take a seat next to Kade and Jay. "Hey guys ready for junior year" they both look over at me "Lilly" Jay says "pull your sleeve down" I look down at my arm and quickly pull my sleeve down. "Thanks that was close.

We arrive at school "what class do you have first " Kade asked "chemistry " I say rolling my eyes "p.e" Jay said "and I have algebra 2 " Kade said. And then the bell rang so we went our different ways. I walked in class and took a seat. Thank god I sit alone. The bell rang and in came Matthew ugh I hate him. If course the only seat left is next to me. As soon as he sat down he said " hey princess " ugh he's so annoying when he does that. I just rolled my eyes"could you just let me have one day where you don't show up" he laughed at that "no way princess ". Class started and thankfully it went by fast.

As soon as the bell rings I'm out the door. "Kade" I run up to him. "Oh hey Lil" ugh I hate that nickname but he gave it to me so long ago I'm used to it. "I was wondering what's your next class" "lil we have no classes together" I acted offended "wow you hate me that much" we both started laughing and made our way to our next class. Thankfully Matthew wasn't in this one. This is my favorite class hands down art. I love drawing it keeps me mind off things almost as much as reading does. This class was so peaceful there were about ten kids so it was quite I just sketch the whole class.

Before I knew it school was over. When I got in the bus there was someone in my seat. I look and see Matthew ugh why can't he go away. I sit in my seat and face Jay and Kade. We talk the whole ride to my stop. When I get to my stop I get off and go straight to my room.

Matthew's POV:

When I went to first period I was late if course I would be. I saw the only open seat was next to Lilly. She's so pretty wait what am I saying she's the worst. I walk over and take a seat "hey princess" I don't even remember the rest of the conversation I was to distracted by her eyes. Oh the whole princess thing I called her it in middle school and she blushed so it has stuck sence then.

She hates me but I don't hate her. But I'm supposed to what the heck is happening to me. I have to focus on baseball tryouts today so no more thinking about her. the day went by quickly all I could think of was her. Ugh why do I feel this way. I had to ride the bus home and the only open seat was her's. She didn't even look at me once but I stared at her the whole ride.

When I got off the bus I went directly to tryouts. Baseball has always got things off my mind so this will help me. Once it was my turn all I could think about was Lilly. I did make the team somehow. I was doing homework and there she was knocking on my door. Or so I thought. I opened my eyes and got really disappointed. Why I'm not supposed to feel like this about her she's a jerk. I take that back she's so kind. What the heck she's all I can think of.

Sorry for short chapters like I said it's my first book and Im really excited about it but it's currently 1:53 am so I'm stopping here. Oh here's a picture of Matthew cuz why not.(ignore the fact that he doesn't look identical to the other picture they are from Pinterest none of them will look the same)

(ignore the fact that he doesn't look identical to the other picture they are from Pinterest none of them will look the same)

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