chapter 18

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Lilly's pov

It's been a few weeks and I haven't heard from Issac but who cares. I'm at Mia's house and yes Liam is here. When is he not. "Lilly so tell us about Mathew" Mia won't stop repeating this same sentence. "Ok so Mia we aren't dating" she looked at Liam and then me. " Girl you two admitted to liking each other " " so? " I don't understand the whole dating thing.

My phone screen lit up. And I opened the message. "It ..... It's Issac" I was scared to look but I did. "Lilly what's it say" Liam seemed worried and he had his phone ready to text Mat. "Oh thank the Lord he broke up with me" I said as a big smile came across my face. Mia hugged me and Liam started texting. "Who ya texting bebe" I cringed not lying I literally cringed when Mia said that. "My bro" he replied and I lagged a little. "Matthew?" She was kinda annoyed. "Duh I'm telling him Lilly's officially single" I rolled my eyes. "I got to get home bye guys" I got up and went home. My dad is on a business trip so he hasn't been home so I got to sit on the couch for once.

I did all my homework and cleaned trying to not check my phone. But nothing came on my phone not a thing. I was kinda disappointed but more so confused. I went to bed and in the morning went to school. Mat stopped by my house before school he's been doing this everyday. "Hey Mat" "hey princess did you eat breakfast" I just looked away "come on I'll get you food at school" he took my hand and we got on the bus. The whole ride there if I picked my head up off his shoulder he would gently push it back down.

School goes by fast I'm still ahead. Everyday after school I go to the library or lake and yes Mat comes with me. He sits there and I read. Sometimes he'll hold me. What am I saying most of the time he holds me. But it's in a protective way. He'll pull me into his lap and I'll just read. He'll wrap his arms around my waist. And if anyone comes close to us he'll pull me closer to him. It's honestly cute. And I don't mind it, I'll admit it I'm clingy so it makes me happy when he does this.

My life is pretty good right now. "Princess" "yeah" "your officially single" "yeah" "well you know" "Mat just say it" "Lilly will you be my girlfriend" "yes Mat I will" he pulled me even closer and I closed my book and set it next to us on the ground but where the water can't get it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest cuz I am shorter than him so.

Matthew's Pov

Holy sh!t she said yes I have a girlfriend. I have an amazing, beautiful, smart, kind, caring, loving girlfriend named Lilly. I have to tell Kailey she's gonna be so happy. Me and Lilly sat there for hours. We watched the sunset. She read a little more. We watched the Stars and she pointed out constellations. "Princess it's midnight" she was sleeping already. I laughed to my self. Then picked her up and carried her home.

She woke up right as I walked up to her house. "Come on your going to bed princess" she just nodded. I made sure she was comfortable and went to my home. I texted her "hey I know your sleeping but I have a game tomorrow and was wondering if you would like to come I'll buy your ticket and everything" I put my phone down and layed in bed. She texted back "hey I'm not sleeping yet and I'd love too". I smiled so big. Then remember she's my girlfriend. I changed her name in my phone to "princess 🥰" and went to sleep.

Here they are cuz they cute as frick.

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