chapter 13

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Lilly's pov

As I was cleaning Matthew's wounds I was trying not to think about when I had to clean mine. I bandaged him up the whole time he was just watching me. "There you're done" "Lilly" whoa he hasn't said that in a while. I looked at him "I did hit him" " I know Mat" " he just uh" "May I know the way he hits you didn't have a chance".

"I tried Lilly for you for Kailey" oh god he's blaming himself. " Mat look at me" he looked up at me his eyes were watering oh sh!t about to see him cry. "It's ok I promise you it's ok" he grabbed my arm and pulled my sleeve up quickly. "Sh!t" I tried to pull my arm away but he just looked at it. "Lilly" he sounds defeated. "I-i" "Lilly I know it's hard I know it is but you can't do this" "i-i" "Lilly I knew you did but these are newer" " I know i-i tried to stop".

After that I went home and dang it my dad is drunk. "Lilly your a f*cking b!tch" " thanks it's nice to see you too dad" I went to the stares and sh!t. He pulled me back. He swung. Contact. Everything is spinning. My head hurts. Blood is going down my face. Hit again contact. He kept hitting. I was on the ground.

He looked down at me. Kick, kick, kick. Everything was slowly going black. He stormed off to his room. I crawled up the stairs. I made it to my room barely. I closed and locked the door. I lied on my bed. "Ow" I blacked out.

I woke up in the morning and got ready for school. I got on the bus and sat next to Mat as always. "Lil what the f*ck" "im fine Jay" "your a f*cking lier" Kade jumped in "hey here's and idea shut up". I snapped. " Lil we're sorry" " f*ck you two know what happens so don't ask about it".

Matthew's Pov

When Lilly got on the bus this morning I felt like sh!t. He hit her again. It wasn't Issac. Her dad. The one who's supposed to live her and protect her. Is the one putting her in danger. I hate it.

When class started Lilly was just reading she's still ahead. I know she doesn't want to talk but I want to protect her. From her dad and from her b-bo-boyfriend. That sounds wrong to call Issac her boyfriend. Ugh he's such a b!tch.

As I worked I kept looking over at her. She looks hurt. She keeps her hood over her head and her face buried in a book. She's hiding the buries, the cuts. Her dad is all she has family wise. I hate this. I want to hug her and comfort her. But not here, not now I interpreted my own thoughts "princess?" She looked up from her book. "Can you help me study after school?" She didn't speak she just nodded then looked back down at her book.

After school I went to the library, the one at school. She was already there. She goes there for 6th period since she is ahead. I sit next to her. She doesn't look up. She's reading. All she is doing is reading. I know she knows I don't need help. She helped me get ahead last time. She agreed though. I just looked at her. I gently took her book. Bad idea I know. But I made sure not to lose her page. I put the bookmark in it and set it on the table. Before she could talk or react I hugged her.

She felt weak. She hugged me back and buried her head into my shoulder. We didn't talk. It was silent, but it was comfortable. We stayed there for a while just hugging. I think she even cried a little. She was weak, I could feel it. Like she hadn't had food in a while. But why is she choosing not to eat or is her dad not feeding her. But if her dad wasn't feeding her she could eat at school. But she's so pretty why would she not eat. Why would she cut herself. Why would she do any of it. Her mom's death, her dad's abuse, and Isaac's abuse. That's why she cuts. But why won't she eat.

I've seen Issac be mentally abusive. Saw the aftermath of his physical abuse. Was told about his sexual abuse. But is he why she's not eating. I want to kill him. He hurt her in multiple ways. I want him to pay for it. But I don't want to hurt her more. I just healed her. Sitting there. Hugging. As she cried into me. I feel like it's my fault. I let her go home. I should have made her stay.

I can't with how much he loves her ahhh any way here is Lilly (idk why but I like to call her Lilly bug)

I can't with how much he loves her ahhh any way here is Lilly (idk why but I like to call her Lilly bug)

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