chapter 12

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Isaac's pov

"Where the f*ck is she" Matthew just stared at me. "I'm not f*cking around where is she" he's stare turned into a glare as he spoke calmly "she's not here dipsh!t".

Matthew's Pov

I wanted to punch him. I wanted him to know I knew. But I couldn't Lilly and Kailey where in the other room. I stared at him for a while. "Where the f*ck is she Matthew" "I don't f*cking know". He swung and missed. "You motherf*cker" I swung. Contact right in the face. His nose was bleeding. We fought. The entire time I was thinking oh god Lilly keep Kailey in that room.

Kailey's pov

I woke up and wiwy was in my room. "Wiwy" she kinda looked scared "hey hey come here" I walked over to her and she set me in her lap and she covered my ears. Then I got to play with blocks. I like willy so dose me bother. He likes her a lot. He always talks about how pwetty she is and smart. I hope they get married. Then she can be my sister.

Lilly's pov

I held Kailey and covered her ears. I didn't want her to hear the fight happening right outside the door. But I listened, I listened to every insult, every hit, and every miss. I played close attention to every detail I could hear. I then heard a a drop. A person hit the ground. I held Kailey tighter. She has no idea what's happening. And she doesn't need to know.

She feels asleep in my arms. I didn't care I wasn't letting go of her. A knock of the door. I pulled Kailey and myself into the corner of the room. "Lilly" f*ck it's Issac. I covered kailey's mouth so she wouldn't make nose. The knocking stoped and the front door shut.

Nothing not a sound. Sh!t. I sat there not moving not talking. Just holding Kailey. She was asleep so she didn't move or make a sound. I sat in silence. All I could think was please be ok Mat not for me but for Kailey. I want to check but he told me not to leave this room unless he tells me too.

I sit there my heart pounding. I heard movement outside the room. A knock on the door. Please please please be Mat "princess" oh thank the Lord "Mat". "Kailey is she sleeping" "yeah" he opened the door slowly. He looked at me then Kailey.

Matthew's Pov

I walked in the room and saw Kailey sleeping in Lilly's lap. Holy sh!t she's cute as f*ck. I'm f*cking melting. She looked up at me, I could tell she was scared. "Princess I'm fine" "your not fine your bleeding". She put Kailey back in her bed. "I'm fine" "the f*ck you are your bleeding your bruised he beat the sh!t out of you Matthew" that hurt more then Issac hitting. As soon as she said Matthew instead of Mat.

I stood there I didn't know what to do. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of kailey's room. She shut the door and dragged me to the bathroom. She grabbed a rag and wet it. She sat there and cleaned the blood off of me. I suck I never did this for her and here she is. She knew exactly how to clean it so it wouldn't hurt. "Princess how many times have you done this" nothing no response. She's had to do this a lot. Clean her own wounds. I feel like a jerk.

I feel like adding Issac so here he is.

I feel like adding Issac so here he is

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in the endDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu