chapter 17

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Matthew's Pov

In the morning, I woke Lilly up and she went home to get ready. Now I'm not going to lie I waited on her porch even though her dad wasn't home I was just making sure. "Alright Mat let's go" I took her hand and we wanted for the bus.

Once we were on the bus we were still holding hands and Jay noticed and passed Lilly a note. "Jay it's fine I don't hate him anymore" I looked away so f*cking fast. We walked to class together still holding hands. She helped me with my work and agreed to study with me after school.

After school I went to the library. I was first and  sat in her favorite spot. When she got there she walked next to me her hands were shaking. So I gently pulled her into my lap and held her hands. "Your good I got you it's good" I repeated to calm her down. She was having a panic attack. She held on to me like she was falling. "It's ok princess it's ok let it out it's ok" she started crying and shaking. I held her I didn't let go I didn't try to make her stop. I just let it happen. I know panic attacks are hard to deal with and I'm glad I can help her.

After she calmed down we started studying. And by we I mean I was studying and she was helping me. I didn't even notice until about half way through studying that my arm was around her waist as she was still sitting on my lap. My head on her shoulder as we studied. Kinda like a couple. "Thank you Mat" "no thank you princess" "why are you thanking me" why am I thanking her what a silly question. "Because Lilly you have helped me with more than just work"

She looked confused so I elaborated "I don't know if you have realized but I like you Lilly you have showed me how even when your world is falling apart you can see a way out. Princess, Lilly I've fallen in love with you ". Her cheeks flashed red. Oh god. " I-i .... Mat I like you too I just didn't know how to tell you". I pulled her closer to me and wrapped both arms around her waist. She leaned back on me. "In the end" I laughed to myself "it's you and I" she said. Something tells me she has wanted someone to do this with for a long time. I picked up her book and handed it to her. She nuzzled into me and read her book.

Yes there song is him and I and I know it's not you and I but suck it up I don't care. Anyway here is them.

 Anyway here is them

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