chapter 2

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Lilly's POV:
When I got home from school my dad was drunk. I hate when he gets like this. I went up stairs and in my room I don't want to make him mad. "LILLY" sh!t that's not good. "Yeah"I ran down the stairs. I found him laying on the couch with a beer in his hand.

"Lilly grab me a beer" he slurred his words. I simply rolled my eyes and grabbed him a beer. "Here I have homework so I'm going to Kades house goodnight" he didn't even respond. As soon as I got my backpack I was at Kade's door. I didn't even need to kock he just opened it. "Come on in Lil" went spent about an hour on homework. Then two hours talking about his boyfriend Jay.

"Lil are you doing ok?" He asked and seemed worried. " Yeah I'm good" he grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve "Lil your not ok" I pull my arm away and pull down my sleeve. "Kade I am fine" he just looked at me and took a deep breath "your dad is drunk isn't he?" I just looked at the ground. After that we changed the subject he told me I could spend the night with I do a lot so his parents don't care.

The next day at school Matthew sat next to me again. Ugh he is ruining my already sh!ty day.

Matthew's POV:

After I went home I realized Lilly had left her house. Her dad is probably drunk again. I live right next door. I could here yelling from her house, I'm glad she left when she did. I can't help but worry about her. I struggled to sleep thinking about what her dad may do to her if she was home.

In first period I took a seat and glanced over at her. She's always in long sleeves and pants I wonder if her dad hits her. I get angry just thinking of that. She's so perfect how could he do that. I'm jumping the gun she hates me so what am I worried about.

After school I had practice thank God finally a distraction. I'm the pitcher so I really needed to focus. But I couldn't stop thinking about her, she has taken over my head. Ugh I think I'm falling for her.

Jay's POV:

I got a call last night from Kade which is normal from him. This one was different though as soon as I answered he put face time on and showed me Lilly sleeping on his couch. "He's drunk again?" I asked "yeah she has new cuts to how do we help her" "we can't she won't let her guard down even though we are her best friends but I'm going to sleep good night Kade". I couldn't sleep though thinking about the tribal things she has been through.

I have a week long trip to New York so I won't be at school and that makes me worry about her more. I know Kade is there and I love him but he can be b!tch sometimes. And after all she has been through he needs to be gentle with her. So she doesn't cause anymore harm to herself.

Here is Lilly and all her beautie

Here is Lilly and all her beautie

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