chapter 16

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Matthew's Pov

After Lilly fell asleep I got up. I walked to the door and thought about it. I looked back at her and knew what I had to do. I headed to find Issac. I didn't drive I walked for 20 minutes. I banged on his door. As he opened the door I was pi$$ed. "Issac you son of a b!tch" I didn't think I just punched. He fell to the ground.  "Get the f*ck up" "what the h*ll Matthew". I didn't care I punched him again. "You hurt her" I punched again. "Hurt who?" He's trying to play dumb "Lilly" he didn't reply he just punched me.

"Dumb a$$ stay out of me and hers relationship she doesn't like you" I punched him again and again. I wanted him to suffer like she did. More than she did. "She sure as f*ck doesn't like you Issac".  I kept punching him. he fought back of course but barely. " Stay the f*ck away from her Issac" he glared at me " she's my F*CKING GIRLFRIEND" as he yelled I stayed calm in my tone of voice. " You forced her into it, you beat her, you down grade her, you f*cking raped her" . He stared at me realizing I knew what he had done.

" H-how" he stuttered " who do you think helped her, who do you think cared for her, who do you think she ran to" I was mad words were just coming out of my mouth. "Why would she go to you Matthew" "Issac I care for her I keep her safe you have witnessed it she feels safe with me. She runs to me every f*cking time you lay a hand on her, every time her dad lays a hand on her, and every f*cking time she hurts herself" he just stared at me.

I didn't care I punched him. I beat the sh!t out of him. I left him on the ground. I went back home covered in his blood I had a few bruises but nothing bad. He was bruised and cut. Blood from his mouth and nose was on me. Blood from his arms was on me. His blood was on me like Lilly's blood was on him. I knew I needed to get back to her before she tried to go home.

When I got home she looked up at me. I went and showered. I came back to her told her it was done he wouldn't touch her again. As we sat there she fell asleep on me. I hugged her as she slept. I didn't move her. I didn't move. It hurt her if we moved. I layed there with her as she slept. I couldn't sleep. Not when anything could happen. My sister asleep in the other room. Not knowing what just happened. Lilly not know exactly what I did. I wanted him dead. I knew it would hurt her if I killed him though.

Even after everything he put her through she has a good heart. She hates to see people hurt. She hates to hurt others. She doesn't care if she gets hurt. She doesn't care if she hurts herself. She's weak, weak as f*ck she hasn't eaten in who knows how long. In the morning I carefully woke her up. "Princess we are going to the doctor" she didn't say anything she just nodded. I carefully picked her up and took her to my car.

It was a quiet ride there I held her hand the whole time never letting go. Once there the doctor looked at all the bruise and cuts on her. The doctor check everything. Once done the doctor said she would heal from the wounds. But she has an eating disorder now. She will never eat the same. When we left we didn't talk the same thing happened in the car. I took her back to my house.

I took her in my room so Kailey couldn't see her. She sat on my bed with me and soon fell asleep on me. She's so weak she can't stay awake for long. So much has happened to her. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve any of this. I just want her to be happy. I want her to be safe. "I know your sleeping but this is my official promise to you I won't let anyone hurt you again" I said softly as not to wake her.

I let her sleep as long as she wanted. I put on some music and my favorite song started playing. I left quietly to myself as a song said "in the end it's you and I". I looked down at her sleeping peacefully and said "in the end" . She opened her eyes for a brief moment and looked up at me and replied "it's you and I". She laid her head back down and fell back asleep.

Ahh they are so cute but what will happen when she goes home being John hasn't seen her in 2 days. Anyway here they are.

in the endOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara