chapter 15

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Lilly's pov

I wake up. I don't remember what happened last night. "Ugh where am I?" I look around "f*ck". I slowly get out of the bed Isaac is gone. I leave I don't go home, I don't go to the lake. I knock on the door. "Please be home please be home". Like magic the door opens "princess?". "Mat im sorry I didn't know where else to go" not another word. I was in his house in his arms. "Where is he Lilly" sh!t "i-i don't know i-i woke up and h-he was gone". No response his grip on me tightened. We stayed like that. I cried I won't lie I cried so much. It felt safe and comforting to be with Mat.

"Mat...... It hurts to move" a long silence "I know Lilly I know" he picked me up and sat on the couch holding me. We didn't move we didn't talk. We just sat there. Comfortable, peaceful I felt like the world stoped. All my problems left me. I fell asleep.

When I woke up he was gone. "Oh god Mat what are you doing" again like magic he walked in. We was covered in blood but not his. He was beat up but not bad. He looked at me then went to the bathroom. He showered and got ready then came out. "He looks worse than me princess" I just looked at him. I knew he meant Isaac. "He won't bother you again Lilly I promise" I don't know what he did but Isaac won't be at school for a while. Matsta next to me. I hugged him. "Thank you Mat" "don't he deserved it He's not dead though I could have killed him" "MAT" "I wouldn't actually" we both started laughing. It felt good to laugh.

He let me stay at his house knowing the stuff that happens at mine. He tired to get me to eat. I didn't, I couldn't, just looking at food made me feel sick.

I know I know another short chapter I don't care they're all short I just don't feel like riding a lot and I'm trying to get the point across and I like having these little snippet chapters so deal with it. (This is highly targeted to one of my friends who hates me having short chapters) anyway here is Matthew

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