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Your alarm goes off early in the morning. You slowly get out of bed, getting ready for morning practice. You look at your school uniform, which was hanging up on your closet door. You look over at your desk, seeing the pictures of your childhood displayed. You smiled, walking over to take a closer look at them for a few moments. Only a few contained pictures of your parents, most of them involved volleyball.

You turn your back to your desk, going back to get changed. You freeze in your tracks when your phone starts going off. You walk over to your nightstand, seeing texts from a number you didn't have a contact for.

Unknown: Hey, Y/n. I hope you're having a good morning

You: Who's this?

Oikawa: Oikawa Toru

You: How'd you get my number?!

Oikawa: Your aunt gave it to me last night. She told me to keep in touch with you and gave it to me, well more like she grabbed my phone and created a contact for you

You: I see

You put your phone down, ignoring it when it goes off again. You decided you should focus on getting ready for the day. So, you gave all your attention to prepping yourself for morning practices. You did several stretches, then got changed into your uniform.

You look back over at your phone, which was still going off. You sigh, going to check the messages.

Oikawa: Yeah

Oikawa: So whatcha doing?

Oikawa: Y/n-chan?

Oikawa: Do I need to come over?

You: NO

Oikawa: Oh good, you finally answered. I got a little worried there

You: What do you want?

Oikawa: I'm so glad you asked, You see, I'd like to walk you to morning practice

You: I can walk myself

Oikawa: :(

Oikawa: But I enjoy your company

You: We just met last night

Oikawa: Iwa-chan will be with me

You: Fine, come over

Oikawa: Yay! I'll be there soon!

You put your phone down. The last thing you expected was Oikawa trying to come over first thing in the morning. You looked in the mirror, going to brush your hair. You look in the mirror as you style your hair the way you normally do. You hear the doorbell ring, but choose not to go to the door.

As you bend down to grab your bag, the door to you bedroom opens.

"Good morning, Y/n-chan!"

You stand up, turning to face him. "Oikawa?! What are you doing in my room?!"

Oikawa smiles at you. "Your aunt told me which room was yours. She asked me to see if you're almost ready for school."

You blink, turning back to get your bag. "I'm grabbing my bag and leaving."

"Did you already eat breakfast?"

"No, I usually don't eat breakfast."

He gasps. "Y/n-chan! You need to eat!"

You look back at him, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "But-"

"No buts. I'm gonna make sure you eat something before we leave this house." He walks over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room. He closes the door behind you two, leading you two down to the kitchen.

You look at the other boy in the house. "Morning, Iwaizumi."

Iwaizumi looks at you, blinking a few times at your hand. "Morning. Oikawa, why are you holding her hand?"

Oikawa looks back at his friend. "I'm taking her to the kitchen so she eats breakfast."

Iwaizumi looks back at you. "Don't argue with him. He's determined to have his way. He already dragged me all the way here. I mean, it's not too far from our houses, but still not where I expect us to go first thing in the morning."

You nod. "Yeah, I would've liked to talk about this arrangement before finding out you're already at my house."

Oikawa frowned. "There's nothing wrong with me wanting to come here to check on you, and make sure you're properly taking care of yourself."

Your aunt walked into the room, carrying a plate of food your way. "You need to eat in the mornings. I'm glad Toru-kun came and is looking out for you."

You frown. "This is going too far."

Iwaizumi placed a hand on your shoulder. "Just go with it. Oikawa's not used to a girl refusing him. Entertain him so he doesn't throw a tantrum."

You chuckle lightly. "Fine, I'll humor the man-child."

Oikawa pouted. "Iwa-chan's mean. Don't go along with what he says. But you should really take better care of yourself, Y/n-chan."

You sigh, shaking your head. "Fine. I'll eat, but then we head to practice."

Oikawa smiled brightly at you. "Of course!"

You grab the plate your aunt was holding. You eat as quickly as you can, sometimes glancing at the two boys that were in your house. You noticed Oikawa was watching you, and Iwaizumi was on his phone. Oikawa seemed more than happy to watch you eat, seeing that you were taking care of yourself because of him.

You sigh when you finish, hurrying to put your plate in the sink. "Alright, we'll be going now."

Your aunt nods. "Stay safe, kids."

Iwaizumi hums. "Your aunt seems... nice."

"I think she and Oikawa get along better than she gets along with anyone else."

Oikawa beams. "That doesn't sound like a bad thing."

You and Iwaizumi deadpan at him. "You're getting too involved."

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