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You sigh once you walked through the door to your aunt's house.

She walked into the room, spotting you. "You're home early."

You don't look at her. "Toru hurt his ankle, so I walked him home instead of staying at practice longer."

"I see. Well, dinner's ready. Eat before you go shower and get ready for bed. Also, you walked Toru-kun home?" She raised a brow, watching your every movement.

You nod, taking your shoes off and walking into the house. You set your bag down on the ground by the entrance to the house. "Yeah. Iwaizumi and I were supporting him while making sure he got home just fine. He was limping a lot, and I was trying to make sure he wasn't putting a lot of weight on his ankle. I'm pretty sure it's a sprain."

Your aunt nods. "You have plenty of experience with those."

You hum. "Yeah. I told him to go see a doctor tomorrow, just to make sure. I don't want him hurting himself worse. And it's better if he's given professional advice and a proper diagnosis."

Your aunt watched as you sat by the plate of food she laid out for you. "I see. Well, I'm glad you helped him out. He seems like a good kid. I feel bad that he got hurt."

You pause, holding your food in front of you. "Yeah. I promised I'd help him out a bit while he's recovering. Did you know he and I sit next to each other in class? We just found this out."

Your aunt hummed, sitting down across from you at the table. "Interesting. So, do you mind if I ask a somewhat personal question?"

You look at her, your brow raised. "What is it?"

"Do you like Toru-kun, as in a romantic context?"

You flinched, looking down at your food. You quickly take a bite, slowly chewing and swallowing before giving an answer. "I mean, I don't dislike him, but I wouldn't go around saying that I'd wanna date him."

She leaned in closer, elbows on the table. "Do you want to date him?"

You hesitate. "Maybe."

Your aunt grins. "I knew it. You never let anyone come over, then, suddenly, Toru-kun is over multiple times. So, when ya gonna confess?"

"Never." You deadpanned. "He and I just met. Also, my volleyball career is more important than my love life. There's no way I'm gonna focus more on a boy than I focus on volleyball."

Your aunt sighed, shaking her head. "Of course I couldn't expect something else from you. Just, one day, I hope you see some value in romance. I'm gonna head to bed. Finish your food, clean up, then take care of your shit before going to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Don't forget you're gonna be eating breakfast."

You sigh, taking another bite of your food. "Of course. Night."

You continue eating your dinner in silence. You grab your phone out of your pocket, going to text Oikawa.

You: Hey. You good?

Oikawa: My mom took me to an urgent care center

You: And?

Oikawa: Sprained ankle

You: I knew it

Oikawa: I was told not to practice for a few weeks

You: Understandable. I feel bad for you tho

Oikawa: At least you care. I'll be at your house first thing tomorrow morning

You: But I have morning practice

Oikawa: Just because I can't do anything at practice doesn't mean I can't attend. I'll be at your house in the morning and walk you to everywhere you need to go tomorrow. No arguments

You: Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night, and get plenty of rest

Oikawa: Thank you, Y/n-chan! Get a good night's sleep

You put your phone down, finishing up your dinner. You smile to yourself. You were happy that even when injured, Oikawa doesn't change his personality.

You finished up your dinner, heading up to your room. You grab a change of clothes and head into your bathroom, taking a shower. When you're done, you head back into your room after changing. You pull out your homework and quickly do everything.

You sigh, stretching your limbs after putting your completed homework away into your school bag. You get up from your desk, heading over to your bed. You lay down and cover yourself with your blanket. You close your eyes and wait for sleep to take hold of you.



You look over your shoulder, seeing Oikawa and Iwaizumi in your house. "Good morning."

The brunette gives you his most charming smile. "Good morning, Y/n-chan."

You look down towards his feet. "How's your ankle?"

Oikawa sits beside you at the table. "Still hurts a bit, but it's not gonna heal overnight. I see you're actually eating breakfast without me needing to do or say anything about it."

You nod, continuing to eat your breakfast. "Yeah. I knew you wouldn't leave me alone until I ate, and my aunt was making sure I'd eat something before heading to morning practice."

The setter beside you smiles. "That's good."

Your aunt places a plate in front of him. "You eat too, Toru-kun."

Oikawa happily looks at the plate in front of him, quickly giving your aunt a smile and a peace sign. "Thank you so much!"

You two ate your breakfasts together. Iwaizumi sighed, watching as you two ate like a married couple. The ace turned his back, thinking to himself.

'Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Oikawa asked L/n out. They actually do look like they'd make a good couple.'

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