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You leave the gym early, walking to the club room with your fellow third years.

Yuki looks at you from the corner of her eye. "You're cutting your practice short. You're usually in there for another hour or 2."

You shrug. "I wanted to check on Toru and the boys' practice."

You four get into the empty club room, beginning to change into your track suits. You silently change, neatly putting away all of your belongings. The four of you step out of the club room, locking up.

You start heading to the boys' gym. "It's weird, usually Toru would be out of practice by now."

You four walk together, hearing Iwaizumi's voice come from the gym. "OIKAWA!"

You open the door to the gym, peering in. "Everything ok?" You walk into the gym, spotting the boys' third year setter on the ground.

Oikawa looks up at you from his spot on the ground. "Oh, don't worry about a thing, Y/n-chan. Everything's alright."

You raise a brow. "Then why are you sitting on the ground, and holding your left ankle?"

Oikawa chuckles nervously. "Well, I might have landed wrong after doing a serve. My ankle hurts just a little bit. Nothing serious."

You walk over, kneeling down beside the boy. "Let me see. I wanna make sure it's not a break. You could've twisted or sprained it. Either way, you need to get it looked at. And not just by me. Go to a doctor as soon as you can."

He hums. "Seriously, Y/n-chan, it's nothing to worry about. Ow! That hurt! Don't move it like that!"

"Looks like a sprain, feels like a sprain. I'm not a professional, though. Go to a doctor tomorrow."

Iwaizumi kneels beside you. "How can you tell?"

You look at the ace. "I've sprained my ankle a few times. I know how to tell when there's a sprain. I can't be completely sure, though. Toru, go see someone about this."

Oikawa groans, a frown on his face. "Alright, but help me up. I should probably get home."

You nod, helping Iwaizumi lift the boy off the ground. "Iwaizumi and I will help you get home. Everyone else, either go back to practice or pack up and go home."

The others nod, preparing to go home. You walk Oikawa to the boys' club room.

He pauses before entering the room. "Why don't you stay out here, Y/n-chan?"

You push him into the room, still being a support for him. "I'm staying by your side to keep an eye on your ankle. If you're not careful, you could hurt it worse."

Oikawa blushes, turning his head towards his locker. "Really, you probably shouldn't be in here."

Iwaizumi glared at him. "She's keeping an eye on you. Don't get shy about changing in front of a girl. I know you don't care if someone else sees you shirtless."

Oikawa snapped back to look at his friend. "But she'll see my underwear, Iwa-chan! Girls shouldn't-"

"I'll cover my eyes if it embarrasses you so much. Just hurry and get changed." You put your hands up, about to cover your face.

Oikawa got an idea, quickly taking off his shirt before your eyes were covered. "Do you like what you see, Y/n-chan?" He smirked, hoping to catch you off guard.

You felt your face heat up, quickly covering your eyes with your hands. "Shut up! Just get changed, and don't mess around."

He frowned. "I thought that would work."

Iwaizumi hit his head. "Stop messing around, Shittykawa! Get changed so we can take you home!" The ace quickly changes, seeing as your eyes were fully covered.

Oikawa huffed out a breath, slowly taking his pants off. "You're no fun, Iwa-chan. I wanted to see Y/n-chan's face while she watched me get changed."

You were glad your hands were covering your face, knowing you probably looked red. "Shut up! Just hurry up!"

The other guys walked into the room, seeing you with your eyes covered while Oikawa was pulling up his track suit pants. They blinked a few times, before slowly moving to their own lockers. None of them started changing, since you were in the room.

Oikawa grinned, pulling his shirt over his head before grabbing his jacket. "Y/n-chan~."

"What?" You don't remove your hands from your face.

"I'm changed." He looks at you, the grin stretching wider.

You slowly remove your hands. noticing the other members in the room. "Sorry for being in here, I was just keeping an eye on your stupid captain."

Oikawa chuckled. "How could you keep an eye on me if you covered your face?"

Iwaizumi hit him. "Shut up! You were the one making a big deal about her seeing you change!"

"Ow! Stop hitting me, Iwa-chan!"

You walk over to Oikawa once he grabbed his stuff, acting as his support. "Come on, let's get you home."

Oikawa gladly leaned on you. "As long as you're coming with me, I'm more than happy to go anywhere."

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