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You woke up, excitement coursing through you. It was Sunday, meaning it was your date with Oikawa. You dressed in a casual f/c dress, matching it with (heels or flats) of the same color. You grab a purse to match your outfit, putting your phone and wallet inside. You had no intention of letting Oikawa pay for anything, not when your uncle had given you his credit card for the sole purpose buying new clothes today. You were looking forward to trying on dresses in front of Oikawa, unable to wait for his expressions when he sees you in stunning attire.

You walk to your front door, but your aunt and uncle stop you.

"Y/n, where are you going dressed like that?" Your uncle eyed the outfit you were wearing.

"I'm going to shop for new clothes, like you and aunt Mei asked me to."

You uncle hums. "I see. Is it just going to be you? Or do you have other plans with another person? You wouldn't just dress up like that unless you had plans that you find important."

You shrug, not facing him. "It's nothing, really."

"Y/n. I am your uncle, the only adult male figure in your life. There's nothing that should remain a secret from me. Now, I know you're meeting someone. Based on your behavior about this, and the way you're dressed, I can tell that you're meeting with a boy. So, tell me about everything, or else I can't let you leave this house.

You groan. "Uncle, I'm meeting with Oikawa Toru, the captain and starting setter of the boys' volleyball team. We're going to walk through the park and he offered to come with me while I get new clothes. He said he'd help tell me what looks good and what doesn't. There's nothing more to this meet up than that."

Your uncle started to turn away. "Ok. Be home by 8 pm. I'll be waiting for you after my meetings. If you're late, you can say goodbye to volleyball for the rest of your life, and that Oikawa boy as well."

"Yes, sir." You sigh, walking out of the house. You take a bus most of the way, then walk the rest of the way to Kotodai Park. You smile the moment your eyes land on a certain brunette setter.

Oikawa was wearing a nice, collared white shirt, with black dress pants. He smiles as his eyes meet yours. "Hey, Y/n-chan! How are you?"

You decided to forget about the talk with your unclr, not wanting to worry this boy with your home life. "I'm fine. Have you been waiting long? I think you arrived earlier than we planned."

"I've only been here for 10 minutes. You look amazing, by the way. Your outfit makes you look even more beautiful than usual."

You giggle. "Thank you, Toru. You also look quite... stunning. I've never seen you outside of school, so I'm used to seeing you in the uniform and practice gear. You dress nicely."

He flashed his charming smile. "I only dressed like this because I was meeting you. I'm glad you like what you see, though." He winked at you.

You grabbed one of his arms with both of yours, leaning against him as close as you could get. "Well, you did dress so nice for me. It would be a real shame if I didn't like what I see, especially when it's a very attractive sight." You had decided to try flirting with him, pushing him to his limits so he'd confess to you.

And, boy, was Oikawa close to spilling his feelings to you right then and there. Yet, he composed himself. "My, my, Y/n-chan. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were trying to flirt with me."

You sigh, letting go of him and shrugging. "Well, you can't blame me for trying. Anyways, let's walk and talk, yeah?"

Oikawa blinked, trying to process what you just said. A bright smile crossed his face as he realized you had been flirting with him. He takes your hand as you two begin walking through the park. "Y/n-chan, tell me about yourself."

"What do you wanna know?"

"What's your family like?"

You freeze, tensing. "Oh, my family? Well, my uncle owns his own company and is usually busy. But both of my parents are kind of dead, as I think I've mentioned before. My uncle only allows me to play volleyball, as long as he can control the majority of my life. Like, I always have to go to business events my uncle has. Which is why we're going to a clothing store later."

Oikawa looks at you, a concerned expression on his face. "He doesn't approve of you playing volleyball?"

You shake your head. "He would prefer if I readied myself to take over my uncle's company, but he realized volleyball is my life and made some conditions in order for me to keep playing. Like, I have to quit the moment my team loses."

"That's why winning means so much to you..." He mutters to himself.

You heard him, nodding. "Yeah. Yuki, Rei, and Momo know that I'll no longer be involved with volleyball if we lose. So, we all work harder at it in order to win all of our games. They don't want to see me give up the one thing that's been important to me my whole life. They feel bad for me, you know."

"Because you could be pulled out of volleyball at any moment?"

"Well, that, and the fact that my uncle doesn't really want me to have a relationship of my own choosing. He wants to arrange a business marriage for me."

Oikawa felt his heart crack. "What?"

You look at him, a small smile on your face. "But, I've been changing his mind lately. I told him I wouldn't do anything he says if I can't choose how my own love life goes."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"I can't tell you that." You grin at him.

At this moment, Oikawa wanted to wrap his arms around you, kiss you, and beg you to be his. He didn't like what you had just told him about your family. He wanted you to love him. He was close to getting rid of his pride just to get you to love him. Yet, something held him back. Oikawa was scared. Scared to confess and end up getting rejected by you. He let things stay the way they were, so he wouldn't lose you, even if you remained as his friend for the rest of his life.

Oikawa just stared at you while you both continued walking in the park. His heart beat quickly, his face tinted pink. And one thought spiraled in his head.

'I love you, Y/n-chan.'

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