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You woke up to your alarm, which was set for an hour earlier than usual. Your heart pounded as you got ready for morning practice, stuffing your school uniform into your bag. You were nervous. You were going to be meeting Oikawa an hour before practice this morning. You wondered what he wanted to talk about, your mind thinking of all the possibilities. You looked in the mirror, trying to calm yourself down. Maybe it was good, whatever the setter was going to tell you. You hoped it didn't have anything to do with whatever your uncle may have said to him last night. When that possibility crossed your mind, you became worried. Was your friendship with the brunette that everyone loved about to end? You didn't want to stop being friends with him.

'Did uncle threaten him or something? What if he never wants to see or talk to me again?! Oh my god! What if Toru hates me now?! What did uncle say to him?! What does Toru want to talk to me about?' The more you thought about it, the more you worried about all the different possibilities. Oikawa meant so much to you. The fact that he met your uncle and spoke with the man, just made your heart sink. You doubted that this was going to be anything good.

And, boy, were you in for a surprise.

You left your house, nervously walking the path to school. You hadn't run into anyone on the way. You remained in silence, feeling your nerves starting to get the better of you. You love Oikawa, so how would you be able to live your life without him in it? These kinds of thoughts kept spiraling in your head. Before you knew it, you were already outside of your club room. In front of you stood Oikawa himself. He looked at you intensely, his thoughts running in his mind.

He offered you a kind smile. "Go ahead and change, Y/n-chan. I want to practice my tosses, if you're ok with spiking them for me."

You nod, taken back a bit. You didn't expect him to make this volleyball related. You opened the door to your club room, still looking at the setter in front of you. "I don't mind. But, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Oikawa closed his eyes while still smiling, tilting his head to one side. "Don't worry about that right now. We'll talk after practicing a bit. Oh, and you should send some tosses my way at some point. I'll hit any ball you set."

You felt your face heat up, watching him disappear into his own club room. You walk into your club room, quickly getting changed into practice attire. You let out a sigh before opening that door. You walk out of the room, immediately coming face to face with the other setter.

Oikawa smiles at you, holding his hand out for you to take. "All ready?"

You nod, slowly taking hold of his hand. "Yeah. Let's go."

You two walk to the boys' gym together. Oikawa opens the door, allowing you to step into the gym first. He follows behind, going over to get the ball carts out. He tosses a ball your way. You hold it for a moment, then throw it into the air towards him. He gets into a setting position, tossing the ball up as you run towards the net. You jump up, spiking the ball down to the floor on the other side of the net.

"How was that? Anything you want me to change with the set?" Oikawa asks you as you walk to get another ball.

You hold the next ball in your hands, turning towards the other setter. "A little higher, please. I prefer to jump a bit higher when I spike. I can usually get it spiked down over the blockers."

Oikawa nods, getting back into position. You toss the ball to him, beginning your running approach. You watch the ball intensely, looking over at the setter for a split second.

His eyes widened as he tossed the ball for you to hit. It was higher than he planned to toss it. "Sorry, Y/n-chan. I tossed it too high-"

You immediately jump, higher than he thought you'd be able to. You easily hit the ball with the palm of your hand. You slam it down to the other side of the net. You land, smiling at the setter. "That was good. More tosses like that, please."

He nods, impressed with your jumping ability. "I didn't think you could jump that high."

You grin at him. "I can. I just don't usually show that I can. It still impresses the girls whenever they see how high I can actually jump."

Oikawa grins. "I'll be sure to give you those high tosses then. Oh, in a little would you mind switching with me. I also wanna practice spiking a little."

You go to pick up another ball from the cart. "Sure. How many more spikes do you want me to hit?"

He hums. "Well, you already hit 2. Let's make it an even 10, then switch. We each can spike 10 times, then we switch who sets. That way, we both can get plenty of spiking and tossing practice done."

You nod, tossing the ball to him. Once again, you begin your running approach as the ball hovers over the setter. You watch where he tosses it, this time he made a mistake and it went behind him. You quickly run and jump, easily smacking the ball down.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n-chan! Nice kill, though."

You chuckle. "It's fine. I was watching the ball, so I was able to keep up. It's nice to know that you make mistakes sometime. You're not Mr. Perfect. You're just like everyone else." You go to pick up another ball.

You two continue until you've hit 10 balls. You two clean up the balls off of the ground, then switch positions. Oikawa grabs a ball, and tosses it to you. You easily set it, watching as he lands a perfect spike. You grin, thinking that Oikawa would also make a great wing spiker, but you rather liked the fact that you two played the same position. You kept setting balls to him, watching his form remain perfect every time he goes to spike. Your eyes widen, noticing the smile on his face.

Oikawa turns to you. "That makes 10. Nice setting by the way. It's perfect. So easy to hit. You're a better setter than I could've ever imagined."

"Thanks." You go to the ball cart, picking up a ball before slowly turning to the other setter in the gym.

"You always make me love you more every day."

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