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You stopped, looking at (your favorite flower). You smiled, turning to face the boy beside you. He was focused at looking at some of the flowers himself.

"Toru." You called out to him.

Oikawa slowly turned to face you, a light breeze blowing his hair slightly. "Is everything alright, Y/n-chan?"

You nod, giving him a warm smile. "Yeah. Did you want to help me with my shopping now?"

Oikawa smiled, walking closer to you and grabbing your hand. He briefly brought your hand to his lips, planting a soft kiss on it. "Of course. Is something on your mind? You seemed quieter than usual since we talked about your family."

"Ah, well, it's nothing. I usually don't talk about my family, so it felt a little weird to tell you about it. I hope you won't feel pity for me or anything because of what I told you." 'If only you'd just confess to me already. Tell me you love me. I need to hear it. I'm so close to saying how I feel instead. I want to be your girlfriend, Toru. I want you to hug me, kiss me, and tell me I'm the only girl you'll ever look at. I want to be the only girl you'll ever love. Break your pride, tell me you love me already! If you feel any way right now, please let it be your undying love for me. That's all I'll accept from you.'

Oikawa sighed, looking at the ground. "I see. I'm sorry if I was prying earlier. I'll make it up to you however you want. So, name your price! I'll do anything you ask of me!"

"Confess to me." You accidentally blurt out.

His eyes go wide, his mouth opened slightly. "What?"


"No, no. You said 'confess to me'. You - you want me to confess to you?" Oikawa couldn't believe it. You of all people wanted him to confess to you.

You shake your head, desperately trying to think of an excuse. "Th-that's not it! I wasn't even thinking when I said it!"

Oikawa blinked, taking in all of your features. He noticed the pink tint that was dusting your cheeks. "What would happen if I do confess to you?"

You freeze, eyes focused on the ground. You didn't know what to say. "Who knows. Try it and find out."

"No. I've never confessed to anyone before. I will only confess if I know things will go the way I want them to. If I were to give you my heart, would you end up breaking it?"

You turned your back to him, walking towards the clothing store. "I'd never break your heart, Toru. I'm more worried about you breaking mine."

Oikawa followed you, remaining close but keeping some distance between you two. "I'm sorry, Y/n-chan. I'm not gonna be giving a confession right now."

You look at the ground in front of you. "I see. Just, forget it. I didn't mean to say that anyways."

Oikawa didn't believe you. He wanted to tell you how he felt right then and there, but something stopped him. The fact that he now just learned something of your personal life made him hold himself back. He wasn't going to confess, not unless he knew he could create a life with you. He wouldn't be able to do that if your uncle prevented him from doing so. And so, Oikawa refused to confess to you. Maybe if you hadn't said anything about your uncle, he would've confessed.

You two walk silently to the clothing store your aunt and uncle usually took you to. You walk in, going through all the different sections and picking out various articles of clothing. Most were in your favorite color, but you grabbed some clothes in different colors. You held dresses of bright and dark colors alike. Oikawa just watched you grab everything, still following you closely.

You suddenly turned to him. "This is where I need your help. I'm going to go try them on now. Come with me, and tell me your honest opinion of them, Toru."

The brunette nods. "Of course. I have no reason to lie to you, Y/n-chan."

You try on a black dress first, stepping out of the changing room and twirling for the boy with you to see the whole thing.

Oikawa smiles, his eyes sparkling. "It looks beautiful on you, Y/n-chan. Please get that one."

You nod. You head back in, coming back out in a purple dress. Then you tried on a blue dress. After that, you put on a red dress.

Oikawa frowned when you stepped out in a medium gray dress. "Not that one. That style and shade clash with you."

You look at the dress, then look up at the boy. "Ok. Thank you. I was almost surprised that you said no. You've been telling me that all of them are amazing."

He crosses his arms over his chest. "Yeah, well they did look fantastic on you, but this one is awful. It looks bland, and ugly. You shouldn't even touch anything like it."

You go back in, trying on a different gray dress that Oikawa ended up liking. You come out slowly, wearing an emerald green dress.

Oikawa's eyes widened. "Stunning. It looks so good, yet I never would've thought that color would go so well with you. It compliments your skin tone nicely."

You nod. The day continued like that. You kept walking out with different color dresses, each with its own unique style to it. Oikawa disliked very few of them, for the most part he complimented how each one looked on you. But every so often, he saw one that made him feel disgusted. And he didn't hold back any of his comments, which you appreciated. You were actually able to get his honest opinion on the dresses you had picked out, and were happy that he didn't try lying to you.

You two quickly head to the check out after a few hours, you used your uncle's card to pay for everything. You and Oikawa walk out of the store, feeling the cool night air. You hadn't thought you were in there very long, but the sun had already set and the air was cooling down.

Oikawa looks over at you. "Do you need any help carrying the bags?"

You hand a few to him, feeling that it was a little heavy with how many you had in your hands. "Yes, thank you."

"I'm going to walk you home. I'll meet your uncle tonight."

Your eyes widened at his statement. "What?"

The brunette smiles at you. "I'll free you from your strict uncle. The least I can do is meet him and let him know my intentions with you."

With that, you two walk back to your house. You weren't ready for whatever may happen when you two walk in through the door together.

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