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Yuki glared at you during morning practice. She didn't speak to you at all. Her jealousy was getting the best of her.

You leaned close to Momo, worry evident in your eyes. "Hey, Momo, what's going on with Yuki? She hasn't said a word to me, but she looks like she's plotting my murder or something."

Momo whispered back. "Don't you remember? She told us that she might have a crush on Iwaizumi. She might be getting a little jealous since you're getting closer to him with your plan of making Oikawa confess to you. Maybe you should explain the situation to her before she decides to not work with you at all. We kinda need our ace and setter to get along for our team to be as strong as it is."

You nod. "You're right. I'll go tell her now." You walk over to your ace, lowering your voice so only she can hear. "Yuki, you're getting the wrong idea. Iwaizumi and I are only friends. He's helping me with a plan to get Toru to confess to me. You have nothing to worry about. I don't want to date Iwaizumi, and he doesn't want to get with me. We're really only working together to get me and Oikawa into a relationship. I promise. I'd never try stealing someone away from my best friend."

Yuki sighs, a smile slowly starting to form on her lips. "Alright. I know you wouldn't lie to me. And... sorry about acting so rude to you. I was worried that you might stop going for Oikawa and would try to date Iwaizumi instead. I got jealous. I'm sorry, Y/n."

You smile at her, patting her back. "It's all good. I told Momo about this last night after you and Rei left practice. She can tell you, Iwaizumi is really pushing Oikawa to his limits to get him to confess to me."

"I wish you luck with that. From what I know, Oikawa has never confessed to a girl."

You chuckle. "I know. That's what makes this plan even better. So, do you also want some help getting with the boy you like?" You wiggle your eyebrows suggestively.

Yuki became flustered, having not expected that. "Y/n! D-don't even start with me!"

You laugh out loud. "I'm kidding. But, if you ever need help, I'll be there for you. I might even be able to get Toru to help set you two up."

"Really? I mean, I guess if the two of you help, then it might be fine to plan something."

You grin. "That's the spirit. Practice is over everyone! Time to get changed." You lean in close to Yuki. "I'll be going to talk to Toru." You walk off, a slight skip in your step.

Oikawa and his team walk out of their gym. He immediately notices you, seeing how you were almost skipping. "Y/n-chan! Wait up!" He ran up to you.

You turn to him, pointing finger guns at him. "Great timing. I need to talk to you about something."

He raised a brow. "Oh? What is it?"

You smirk. "Help me set up our aces. They'd make a cute couple, don't you think?"

Oikawa looked between Yuki and Iwaizumi. "You know, you may have a point. What's your plan?"

You grab onto his arm, pulling him with you so no one else can hear your plan. "I'll be talking to Iwa, so you need to talk to Yuki about Iwa. I'll be trying to get Iwa to fall for my best friend, while you try giving tips to Yuki on how she can gain Iwa's attention."

Oikawa blushed from the closeness, his heart beating rapidly. "Ok. I guess I can give talking to Yuki-chan a shot. Wait, why would you talk to Iwa-chan?"

You shrug, the smirk still on your face. "Me and Iwa need to talk about stuff anyways. I'll just be talking about Yuki whenever I see fit. Why do you care about me talking to Iwa?"

He frowns, looking away from you. "I don't care. I was just wondering because you and Iwa-chan have been getting closer lately. I was surprised when you'd ask for my help to set him up with someone else."

You chuckle. "Yeah, I already had to explain to Yuki that I don't like Iwa in that way. He and I have been planning something together lately, that's why we seem as close as we do."

"I see. Why don't you get closer to me, though? I mean, now we have plans. It only makes sense that we get closer."

You start walking to the club rooms. "I mean, that does make sense. Sure, why not. Whaddya wanna know about me, Toru?"

"When's your birthday?"

"(Your b-day)." You reply.

Oikawa hums. "Favorite color? Favorite food? Hobbies?"

"F/c. F/f. (Hobby/hobbies)."

Oikawa sighs. "You're not making this difficult."

"You're not asking the bigger questions. I'm answering honestly, just the way you want me to."

The brunette looks at you, an idea popping up in his head. "Favorite person in the whole world?"

You hesitate, unsure of how to answer that. "Uh... like friend or?"

"Just the person you like most in the whole world, no matter how you like them."

You let out a sigh. "Probably you or Yuki."

Oikawa's eyes widened. "Me? Why me?"

You don't look at him, about to walk into your club room. "We have some things in common. And... I actually really like being around you, Toru. I just don't like your fan girls." You walk into the room, closing the door behind you.

Yuki looks at you, a questioning expression on her face. "What took you so long, Y/n?"

You don't look at any of your teammates. "Talking to Toru. He wanted to know more about me before we work together."

Momo walked up to you, getting ready to hug you from behind. "Oh? Whatcha two gonna be working on together? Is it a relationship, by any chance?"

You shake your head. "We're working together to set Yuki up with Iwaizumi. Oh, Yuki, Oikawa will be talking to you a lot more now. He'll tell you about Iwa and try giving you tips on how to get closer to him. I'll be talking about you to Iwa, trying to get him to fall for you." You wink at your best friend.

"Oh my god! That's amazing! Thank you so much, Y/n! You're really the best friend I could've ever asked for!" She hugs you while you're still changing.

You chuckle. "It's no big deal. I even had to answer personal questions for Oikawa."



"Shut the fuck up, Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi smirked to himself, knowing that you gave Oikawa a gentle push into confessing for you. 'Smart move, Y/n. Keep doing stuff like that, and Oikawa won't be able to hold back his feelings much longer.'

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