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Oikawa jogged, hoping that the match was still going on. He wanted this chance to go head to head with Kageyama. He cursed under his breath, hating that he had the doctors appointment at the same time practice started. He was given the all clear, being allowed to play in this match.

He entered the gym. Some of his fan girls noticed him and squealed, causing him to flash his fake smile. He noticed you with your team in the crowd, his eyes focused on you. He wanted you to look over at him, to get excited by his presence.

Everyone else was already looking at him. You slowly turned your head. A smile appeared on your face as your eyes landed on the brunette setter. Hope fluttered in your chest. You saw each team take a set, and the third and final set was about to begin. With Oikawa there, Aoba Johsai was bound to win. Oikawa smiled and waved at you, mouthing "Y/n-chan!" before walking over to the coaches. You couldn't hear what was said, but Oikawa ended up walking out of the gym.

You look over at your teammates, getting ready to walk away. "I'll be right back. I've got to go do something real quick."

Momo smirked. "Get yo mans, Y/n-chi."

"Shut it." You walk away. You quickly run, trying to catch up to the boy. "Toru!"

Oikawa stopped, turning to face you with a smile plastered on his face. "Hey, Y/n-chan. What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be watching the game?"

You take a deep breath, standing up straight. "Why aren't you on the court? They need you right now."

Oikawa's eyes widened. "Coach told me to change and warm up first. Hey... can - can you help me warm up?"

You smile at him. "Of course. Come on, I'll walk with you to the club room."

"Come inside with me and watch me change?"

You smack his arm as you walk beside him. "Perv."

The brunette chuckles. "Can't say I didn't try."

You two walk into the boys' club room, where Oikawa takes off his shirt so he could change. Your face flushes to a shade of pink as you watch him change. You look away briefly when he takes his pants off, changing into his shorts.

Oikawa noticed this and smirked. "Why are you looking away, Y/n-chan?"

You feel more heat building in your face. "You - you took your pants off..."

He walked over wrapping arm around you waist and pulling you towards him. He used his hand to hold your chin, making you look into his brown eyes. "And now I'm wearing shorts. Did you not want to see me without pants on? Do you only like looking at me when I'm shirtless?"

You tried looking away. "Th-that's not - I don't know what your talking about!"

The brunette chuckled, letting you go. "I'm just teasing you, Y/n-chan. Help me warm up, since I'm changed."

You nod, helping him stretch. You run a few laps with him outside, and soon, he was ready to go join the team.

Oikawa pauses outside the gym, turning to you. "You have to go up to the second floor now, don't you?"

You nod, looking into his eyes. "Yeah. I'll be watching you play."

He smiles, leaning close to your face. "Never take your eyes off of me." He gives you a quick kiss to your cheek and walks into the gym.

You follow him, your face red. You walk back to your friends, keeping your eyes on the setter that just kissed you. Your face remained flushed as you watched him walk onto the court, after switching out with Kunimi.

Yuki looks at you, taking notice of your red face. "Did something happen?"

You don't look away from Oikawa. "I watched him changed, helped him warm up, and he kissed my cheek before we walked back in."

Momo gasped. "He kissed you? On the lips?"

You shake your head, eyes still focused on the setter. "He kissed me on the cheek."

Rei grinned. "No wonder you're redder than a tomato."

You glance at them from the corner of your eye. "Shut it, I just want to watch the match. What happened while I was away?"

Yuki filled you in. "Karasuno took the lead. It seems like our boys really need Oikawa right now."

You all watch as Oikawa hits a powerful serve over to the Karasuno team. Your eyes went wide, wondering if you'd be able to receive that serve. You thought about asking him to serve for you later. You watched the game wrap up. Kageyama and Hinata's minus tempo quick attack scored the final point, and Karasuno took the win.

Your friends groan, seeing their boys' team lose.

Momo frowned. "Now Y/n-chi won't confess to Oikawa."

You grinned at the three frowning girls. "I actually have an idea. I'm gonna make Oikawa confess to me."

"What?!" The three look at you, surprised.

You shrug, walking down to the boys' team. "Toru!"

Oikawa smiled when he saw you walking over to him. "Y/n-chan!" He opened his arms, walking over to engulf you in a hug.

You smiled, a smirk forming on your face as he pulled away from you. "What? Why'd you stop?"

The setter turned pink. "I - uh - well, you see - "

Iwaizumi answered. "He doesn't deserve a hug, not after coming in at the last second and still losing the match."

Oikawa whined. "Iwa-chan! Why do you have to be so mean?! Let me enjoy a hug from Y/n-chan!"

"Yeah, let him. Who knows when I'll hug him again. He might have to confess his love for me before I think about hugging him again."

The brunette gasped. "Y/n-chan! Don't tell me! You want me to confess to you?! I mean, um, well - I could, but that wouldn't be special. We lost, I don't have the right to ask you to be my girlfriend - "

Iwaizumi hit his head. "You're rambling, Oikawa. Don't just ramble if you're not gonna tell her everything."

You look between the two boys. "What are you talking about? Does Toru like me?"

Oikawa waved his hands in front of him, in a panic. "That's not what I said! Look, Y/n-chan, let's forget about this! I have to go do something! See you later!" He bolted out of the gym.

"Wait! I wanted to practice my receives! Can you serve for me?!" You yelled after him, but knew he hadn't heard a word you said. "Damn it. I was hoping he'd at least talk to me for a bit longer. I was just messing with him."

Iwaizumi sighed, a smile on his face. "Don't worry about him. You actually managed to catch him off guard, so he's panicking right now. Give him some time, he'll calm down."

You look at the ground, mumbling. "Fine."

Iwaizumi lightly pat your back, leaning close to whisper in your ear. "If you like him, I can tell you right now that you've got a chance with him."

You grin, looking over at him and whispering back. "Help me get Toru to confess to me."


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