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Oikawa hummed beside you. He held a genuine smile on his face as he limped to school beside you.

It's been about a week since he sprained his ankle. Everyday, you'd make him a healthy bento to help with the healing process. He gladly accepted them, always telling you how good the bento was while eating it. You would shrug him off, but smile internally. You were thrilled whenever he complimented you, but you refused to show it. You didn't want people thinking you two were in a relationship. You two were just friends, at least in this point in time.

You two were always hanging around each other, though. Even more rumors of people believing you two were dating spread. You denied it whenever someone came up to you about it. Inside, however, you wanted it to be true. But you were trying to focus on volleyball. There was no way you'd be able to keep a relationship with anyone going. Your volleyball career was just too important to you.

You sighed at lunch, gaining the attention of everyone in the boys' and girls' volleyball teams. They all looked at you, raising their eye brows questioningly.

Oikawa leaned against your shoulder. "What's wrong, Y/n-chan?"

You look at him, a serious look in your eyes. "These rumors about us dating is really getting on my nerves. I haven't actually thought about getting into any relationships at all. I'm too focused on volleyball. I mean, I've devoted my whole life to playing volleyball, and I don't have the time or attention for anything else."

Oikawa frowned, not liking your explanation considering he wanted nothing more than to have a relationship with you while playing volleyball for the rest of his life. "I see. Maybe that's how you feel right now, but that could always change in the future. Try to have an open mind about it, Y/n-chan."

You blink slowly, taking in his facial expression. "Maybe, but that's not something I want right now. And it's even more frustrating that everyone else wants to keep talking about me like that behind my back."

Yuki sighed, cutting into the conversation. "We get it, Y/n. Everyone in the volleyball clubs can try working together to get rid of these rumors. Would that help?"

You nod. "A lot. Thanks, all of you."

Iwaizumi smiled at you. "No problem. I want to make Oikawa's life hell by making sure all his fan girls surround him whenever he wants to do something."

"Iwa-chan! Mean!"

You chuckled, looking at the ace of the boys' team. "Hey, as long as you're willing to help me out. Do whatever."

Iwaizumi smirked. "You deserve better than Oikawa. You need a guy that won't be stalked by other girls. When you're ready for a relationship, that is." He winked at you.

You did your best to contain the laughter within you. "I see. Thanks for the input." Deep down, you knew that you'd prefer Oikawa to end up with you one day, whenever you're ready for a relationship.

Oikawa pouted. "So mean. I bet I'm actually Y/n-chan's ideal type."

You looked at your food. "Who knows. Maybe I don't have a type. Maybe I'm asexual, with no desire for a relationship ever." You lied, making sure the guys never figure you out how you feel about their captain.

Momo raised a brow. "Really? I say that if Y/n-chi does have a type, Oikawa fits it perfectly."

Oikawa beamed. "See that, Iwa-chan?! Even her friends say I'm ideal for Y/n-chan."

Iwaizumi frowned. "I'm seriously telling the whole school that you and L/n aren't dating and that all your fan girls should all ask you out for the next week." He gets out of his seat, ready to do exactly what he said he'd do.

Oikawa looked at him in disbelief. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me." Iwaizumi quickly left, telling everyone he saw that you and Oikawa weren't dating, letting Oikawa's fan girls know they should try asking the setter out.

Oikawa turned to you. "Why didn't you stop him?"

You deadpan. "He's doing exactly what I wanted... minus the getting your fan girls to ask you out part."

Oikawa smirked. "You don't want them asking me out?"

"I don't want a good setter to get distracted by girls that only want him for his looks, or some minor details about himself." You don't look at him, trying to finish eating your bento.

Oikawa looked at you with admiration. "You're looking out for me?"

You nod, not looking at him. "Of course. That's what friends do."

Everyone watched a frown formed on Oikawa's lips. The dots connected in the girls' heads. Smirks spread on their faces, plans forming in their minds on how to get you and Oikawa together.

You looked up, seeing your team look at you with smirks on their faces. "What are you all thinking?"

Momo shrugs. "Who knows, Y/n-chi. Maybe we're gonna help you with something soon."


Yuki elbows the libero. "She means that what you said is giving us ideas on how to help you, since you have a lot of stress lately."

You blink, slowly turning back to your food. "I see. Don't do anything unnecessary."

Rei, Yuki, and Momo grinned. The three spoke in unison. "We'll see."

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