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Iwaizumi looks at the boy that just showed up at his house. "What are you doing here so late at night, Oikawa?"

Oikawa takes a deep breath, looking into his friend's eyes. "Tell me how I should confess to Y/n-chan."

Iwaizumi's eyes widened. "What? Why do you need to know how to do that?"

"I'm confessing to her tomorrow. I'll be asking her to be my girlfriend. You're already dating her best friend. Tell me what I should do."

Yuki appears in the doorway. "Hey, Iwa, what's going on?" She notices the boy standing outside the house. "Oh, hey, Oikawa. What are you doing here?"

Oikawa looks at the girl, wondering why she was at his best friend's house this late on a school night. "Great, you might be able to help me, Yuki-chan. I need to ask Y/n-chan to be my girlfriend tomorrow morning. How do you think I should go about it?"

Yuki's eyes widened. "Well, Y/n isn't one for romance. She likes things to stay pretty casual. I wouldn't go over the top for her. As long as you tell her how you really feel, and remain sincere, I don't think you'll have much trouble in getting Y/n to agree to be your girlfriend."

Iwaizumi raised a brow at his setter. "What's the rush? Why did you decide to do this tomorrow?"

Oikawa looks down, as sad look crossing his face. "I met her uncle tonight."

Yuki moved Iwaizumi aside, pulling Oikawa into the house. "Oh my god. I can't believe you actually met the man. How are you still alive?" She drags the boy to the living room, where all three of them sit down on a couch.

Oikawa sighs. "I made a deal with him. He'd let her make her own decisions if I could prove that I'm the one for her. If she can handle school and volleyball while dating me, he'll stop making all her choices for her. He agreed to let her live her own life while not interfering."

Yuki looks at the boy. "I see. So now you have to ask her out. Well, I'll tell you something. She likes you. As long as you ask her out in a way that lets her know you genuinely want her in your life, she's bound to accept anything you say. If you're able to make her uncle stop being a controlling douche, then I'm on your side no matter what. Y/n needs her freedom. She loves volleyball, and she shouldn't be told to quit. She wants to go pro after high school."

"I understand that, better than anyone." Oikawa's voice started breaking as tears built in his eyes. "When her uncle said he'd make her quit, or take her away from me when I confessed my feelings, it broke my heart. Y/n-chan should be happy and live her life the way she wants to."

Iwaizumi looked between the two people in the room. "I don't get everything you guys are saying, but I will finally let you in on a secret, Oikawa. Y/n asked me to help her get you to confess to her. All I can say is tell her you love her, how you've felt since the moment you first laid eyes on her. Let her know that it really was love at first sight. When you ask her, look into her eyes and give her a genuine smile."

Yuki nods in agreement with the boy she's currently dating. "Grab her hand and ask her to spend the rest of your lives together. Tell her she's the only girl you have eyes for, the only one that could win your heart. Tell her exactly how much you valued the time you've spent with her. Promise her that you'll be with her until the day you die."

Oikawa looks at the two, trying his best to take in this information. "I have an idea on what to do. I'll ask her to help me with my tosses for a bit, then confess everything to her. I think I know what to say, thank you both for helping me out."

Iwaizumi smiles at his friend. "It's no problem. Ever since I heard Y/n's idea to get you to confess, I've been working with her to push you to your limits. I'm glad you've finally reached this point. I think she's going to be extremely happy that you love her. I'm rooting for you two."

Yuki agreed. "Ever since you two met, Y/n's been slowly falling for you. Every time there was even just a little bit of progress in your guys' relationship, she'd get so happy and tell us everything. At first, she was trying to deny her feelings. It really surprised the team when she confessed that she really does like you, and that she wants to be in a relationship with you. Y/n's always been extremely focused on volleyball. Any time someone would confess to her, she'd reject them without a second thought. I watched her fall in love with you. She'd spend so much time trying to be around you. You should've seen the smile on her face every time she talked about you. I've never seen her so happy, not even when she's playing volleyball. I have a feeling that if her uncle forced her to make a choice, she'd choose you over volleyball."

Oikawa felt tears spill from his eyes, rolling down his face. "I wouldn't want to make her choose. I want her to have the ability to keep playing volleyball for the rest of her life. I'll gladly remain by her side, while playing volleyball myself. I want to make her happy, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes for her to always have that beautiful smile on her face."

Yuki started crying, leaning on Iwaizumi while wrapping her arms around him. "My best friend is going to have the love of her life!"

Iwaizumi smiled, rubbing the girl's back. "I'm proud of you, Oikawa. Finally, you're putting your pride away to make the girl of your dreams yours. Good luck tomorrow."

Oikawa stood up, preparing to go home. "Thanks, Iwa-chan, Yuki-chan. I'll leave you two be. See you both tomorrow." He walks out of the house, a smile on his face as he steps into his own home.

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