17 | no good

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"so you really kicked her leg in and broke it?" harley laughed.

"yes," i laughed. "and i should've done that shit a long time ago."

"well are you okay though?" she looked at me. "i know her sentence is unfair as fuck."

"very," i shook my head. "but all i can do is move on. when she gets out, hopefully she'll just go back to palm springs and forget about me."

"yeah," she nodded. "well how are you and billie?"

"good," i nodded. "she has so many award shows coming up for the barbie song."

"didn't you help her write that?" she asked.

"yeah," i nodded. "which is why she's bringing me to all of them."

"she'd bring your ass anyway," harley laughed. "you don't think people will be skeptical of you two?"

"i mean she takes her friends to these events with her all the time," i shrugged. "so no. but even if, i really wouldn't fucking care."

"good," she said. "and i wish you would've fucking told me you were trying to get on the LA figure skating team. i would've been helped out."

"wait what do you mean?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"billie asked me to talk to coach for you," harley said.

"oh my god," i shook my head. "i told her not to bother with that."

"well she did," harley said. "and i talked to coach. and she's willing to let you try out."

"wait what?!" i exclaimed.

"yeah she wants you to contact her to set up a date for you to go have a private try out," she grinned.

"shut the fuck up!" i cheered in excitement. "oh my god harley thank you!" i hugged her.

"of course," she smiled.


"i won't have time b," i panicked. "i- i can't."

"yes you dooo," billie dragged in a laugh. "it'll be fine. just go audition in front of coach mickie and then come back to start getting ready for the grammys."

i just sighed.

"look," she started. "you can't miss try outs. you can't and you won't."

"im just so nervous," i shook my head. "i haven't skated in months."

"you're comparing not skating for like 2 months to your years of training," b rubbed my shoulders. "stop overthinking it."

"you're right," i took a deep breath.

"you'll do great," she smiled. "and when you're done, glam will be here waiting on you."

"okay," i smiled. "thanks baby."

"yeah," she kissed me.

so yeah it's been a week and today is the day of the grammys which billie is nominated for of course for the barbie song.

but unfortunately, coach mickie said her only available day for me was this day so im gonna try out for her really quickly and rush back to get ready for the show today.

i grabbed my stuff and headed to the rink. once i got there, i geared up and began practicing as i waited for the coach to get there.

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