Episode 2

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"Don't you really know who are they?" Dan whispered into my ear when I put order cups beside him. 

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Them" he pointed to the group of man. 

"I don't know, I have no idea" I slightly look at them over my shoulder. "Who are they?" I added again.

"Girl they are F1" he said.

"The Bang?" I asked him. His jaw dropped in gasped and slap my arm. 

"Ouch!" I winced and before I slap him again, Lexa appeared from behind and slap his head. 

"Don't touch her ...you stupid " she said and give him side eyes. 

"Your friend doesn't known what is F1"he objected. She looks at me and back to Dan.

"What is F1?" she asked with frown too. I cant help but I laugh out loud cause Dan's reaction is totally insane. "You also don't know what is F1?" he asked again. 

"HOW CAN I KNOW WHAT IS F1?" she raised her voice but only enough to hear us. They both keep arguing even tho they are doing their own job. After a few mins later, all of the orders come out. 

"Your Orders are Ready Sir!" I announced to them. They all walk towards the counter and take their order by their names.

"Charles Leclerc OMG!" Dan rush towards the counter and push me into the wall. "I am your Big Fan Charles" he added like Little Fan girl. 

"Thank You" Charles said with smile. 

"Actually I am big fan of F1" Dan said while he walks out from the Counter. 

"I am really big fan of F1 and I never miss any of Races at every weekends ,but those 2 pretty ladies , but their brain is on another Planet. Cause they don't know what is F1" Dan swiftly said and pointed towards us. Lexa and I looked at each other in widen eyes. 

"Me ?" I pointed to myself and said.

"Yes, you ...she said F1 is Bang." he added. As soon as he said all of the men let out chuckles and look at me. The huge wave of nervousness and awkwardness cover my body. Lexa quickly walks out from the counter and stand beside Dan.

"Sorry about that Sir, he is just always like that. I really hope that you guys don't mind." she puts on fake huge smile and said. 

"We don't really mind. He is funny" Daniel said with his huge smile. 

"See , they are really kind. Not like you " Dan said.

"Why don't you move those boxes from the storage room before I fired you" she said him with tighten her teeth. Dan's face reaction turn into Pale and he quickly disappeared into the Storage Room. All of the men laughs out loud at his reaction. 

"I am really sorry about that" Lexa make an excuse to them with soft smile. 

"Is ok we really don't mind." Gasly said. "But I feel really bad that you guys don't know about F1" George who has heavy British accent added and they all look at me with sync. 

"I ...um" I try to complain but Lexa helped.

"Well, she is always spend most of her times, on her Painting. She is Artist. That's why she don't have free time and she didn't even take a short holiday on her Painting." Lexa said and tilts her head to me. I frowned and look at her. 

"Wow, That's amazing" Charles said. "Yeah, that's pretty cool more than driving" Lando who ordered Iced Milk added with huge smile. 

"Thank you for your compliment but I really ..." 

Suddenly the bell goes off, signaling someone has entered the cafe, we all look at the door with sync. It was delivery man. He quickly walks into the cafe and called out my name.

"Miss Jennifer Alison here?" the old man called out my name with White Envelope in his hand.

"It's me Sir!" I swiftly walks out from the counter and directly walk towards him.

"It is from University of Oxford, they said this is an invitation for you as their Artist Terms" the old man said and passed me the envelope.

"Oh, thanks" I said with huge smile and give him a small nod before he leave. I swiftly turns my heel back to the counter. A Huge Smile slowly appeared on my face while Lexa also looking at me with huge smile.

"GIRL! YOU MADE IT" she shouted out and runs towards me and hug me tight. I also screaming in excitement with her. I take a quick look to the men who are also looking at me with bright smile.

"What's wrong!" Dan came out from the storage room with broom.

"Dan! She made it" Lexa shouted out and pull him to join. "What happened?" he asked with confused. I showed him the white envelope which has Oxford Logo. His jaw dropped in gasped.

"Today will be gonna ON THE HOUSE!" Lexa shouted out and make a small dance. As soon as she shouted out the group also whooped in excitement.

"I don't know what happened but seem like you have got an achievement. So, congratulation" George said with thumb up. "Yeah, whatever it is congratulation Jennifer" Lando also added. "Tea is really great!" Carlos said with his Spanish accent. "Yeah, Flavor is good" Alex also agree with him.

"Thank you so much and as you guys see today is on the house" I said and give them a wink. They all laugh out loud and give us a wave before they all walk out from the cafe. 

"Really Congratulation Miss Jennifer." Charles said with smile. "Uh, just call me Jennifer or Jenni" I added. He gives me a nod in agreement. "So, see you again Jennifer" he gives me a wave and swing open the door and leave. I give them a big wave while they also giving me a big wave instead of one. Max. He just keep quiet. He seem like he had pissed off something. After they all disappeared, Adeline appeared from my work shop room.

"What's going on Jen" she asked with curious eyes.

"Adie! look at that " I showed her the envelope.

"I got Permanent job now , so ...guess what"

"Guess what?" she repeat after me.

"I can give you a big Piano!" I swiftly picks her up and swing around. She lets out giggles.

"Really?...so can I have piano soon?" she said. "Yeah of course, you will get soon" I put her slowly down and pat her head. A huge smile appeared on her face while she was looking at me. I also looking at her with bright smile which are full of admiring .

"I am gonna able to give her The Piano....Brother." I mumbled to myself in my mind while I was slowly patting her small head.

I'll choose her happiness over Mine, Every Time.

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