Episode 46

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"Jennifer, could you assist me with these?" Sister Mira inquired, balancing a bucket filled with freshly washed bed sheets awaiting drying.

"Of course," I replied promptly, setting down my paintbrush and placing it in its cup before heading towards her. I had been painting in the hallway, capturing the timeless beauty of the Church Room's architectural details. It struck me how much I hadn't appreciated its beauty when I first arrived.

"Thank you," she expressed with a wide smile, passing the sizable bucket into my arms. "Oh, darn," I inwardly winced at the weight as I received it. "Why is it so heavy?" I muttered to myself, making my way out of the hallway and directly into the open field where we typically dried our laundry. Upon reaching the field, I noticed a few already-taut strings tethered to wooden poles, ready for hanging clothes or sheets. Gingerly placing the bucket on the ground, I commenced the task of hanging them out to dry. Meanwhile, Sister August's words from the previous night continued to echo in my mind, occupying my thoughts throughout the evening and into the present moment.


flashback to last night

As I settled into my room, preparing to wind down for the night with a book in hand, a soft knock sounded at my door.

"Jennie, are you there, my sweet?" Sister August's gentle voice floated through the door.

"Yes, sister," I responded promptly, opening the door to welcome her inside. Despite her new title as 'Mother August,' she still graciously allowed me to address her simply as sister, or even just August. Stepping into view, her face beamed with the familiar wide, warm smile that never failed to brighten my spirits. Her smile possessed a rare quality, radiating warmth and joy to all who encountered it.

"Did I disturb your rest?" she inquired with a hint of concern in her voice. I shook my head reassuringly.

"No, not at all. I'm still wide awake," I assured her, gesturing for her to enter my room. With a nod of gratitude, she gracefully entered, her eyes wandering around the space until they settled on my bed, where she took a seat with a gentle grace.

"You've kept such a lovely room," she remarked, eliciting a soft giggle from me at her compliment.

"I think I picked up a thing or two from you," I interjected playfully, shooting her a wink, which elicited a soft chuckle from her. In response, she patted the space beside her on the bed, a clear invitation for a heart-to-heart chat. Without hesitation, I joined her, settling in beside her as she reached out to take my hand in hers.

"Do you have something on your mind?" I inquired softly, curiosity piqued by her demeanor. Instead of meeting my gaze, she simply shook her head, her attention focused on our entwined hands, gently rubbing mine with her thumb.

"It's nothing, really. I just wanted to express my gratitude to you," she spoke softly, prompting a slight furrow of my brow as I turned to look at her. "Thank you for not giving up on yourself, Jennifer," she continued, meeting my eyes with a heartfelt sincerity. "I've always worried that you might lose hope or stray down the wrong path," she confessed, gently squeezing my hand. "With all the challenges you've faced, it would have been easy for you to become bitter or resentful," she added, tears welling in her eyes. "That's why I've prayed fervently for you, asking God to guide you away from darkness and grant you strength," she explained, her warm hand cradling my face tenderly.

"Your prayers have meant the world to me," I responded softly, feeling her touch grounding me in a moment of profound connection.

"I believe they've made a difference," she affirmed, offering me a comforting smile as her thumbs traced gentle circles on my cheeks. Together, we shared a quiet moment, exchanging unspoken sentiments through our gaze, until I found the courage to break the silence and continue our conversation.

"Thank you," I said, pausing to squeeze her hand in gratitude. "Thank you for being there for me all this time. I don't know where I'd be without you. I'd feel utterly lost," I confessed, my eyes reflecting the depth of my appreciation.

"I'm so glad to hear that," she replied warmly, drawing me into a tender embrace and softly patting my back. "I'll always be here for you," she reassured me, her words carrying a sense of unwavering commitment. "You'll never have to go through anything alone."

"I believe you," I whispered, clinging tightly to her. "Thank you for everything."

With a gentle kiss to the top of my head, she whispered, "I'll be with you always, my little Jennie."


She embodies a mother's love, even without being my biological mother. Perhaps that's why I feel compelled to shower Adie with the same immense love and warmth, as if she were my own daughter. I believe I've inherited this nurturing instinct from Sister August, who has been a mother figure in my life. She's the one I'll always cherish and remember for as long as I live.

Before I could complete my tasks, in the midst of hanging bed sheets out to dry, I was startled by a distant voice calling my name. I turned abruptly, scanning the surroundings for the source of the sound. However, the landscape revealed only an empty field, adorned with rows of billowing bed sheets swaying gently in the chilly breeze. Just as I began to pivot back towards my work, the voice echoed once more, this time with greater clarity and proximity.

"Jennifer Alison!" The unfamiliar male voice carried to me on the breeze. Startled, I quickened my pace among the fluttering bed sheets, intent on finding the speaker.

"Who's there?" I called out, my eyes darting around. Then, the voice came again.

"Jennifer!...Jen." At the mention of 'Jen', my steps faltered, my heart start racing. I recognized that voice, and I dared to hope it was the one I had been eagerly awaiting for so long. Finally, the voice became clear and emanating from the direction of the church while I stood amidst the field behind it.

"Jen!...where are you?" The voice, belonging to a boy from afar who is calling out my name and searching the surroundings. It was him. The one with whom I shared a long-held promise.

"Christopher..." I whispered softly to myself as I spotted his figure in the distance, his gaze also locking onto mine across the expanse of the field.

"Jen!..." His voice rang out, carrying his urgency as he sprinted towards me.

"Christopher...Oh my God...Chris!" I echoed back, my heart pounding with exhilaration. Without a moment's hesitation, I dashed through the field towards him, eager to be enveloped in his embrace. As he drew near, he swiftly caught me, pulling me close and holding me tight.

"Oh my God...Jennifer," he murmured softly, his arms wrapped securely around me.

"You came back," I whispered in return, my words muffled against his shoulder.

"Of course I did. I'll always come back for you," he affirmed, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around in his embrace, unwilling to let me go.

"And on that day,... he returned to me. Christopher Robert, the one I had been missing for over the years."


I am really really happy for today cause of My Rookie Boy Lando got his fist Winning Grand Prix in Miami ~~~~~ 

I was totally cry and screaming for his First Achievement. 😭😭

I am really really proud for you my Delightful Boy Lando Norris💕💕
We are always proud for you Lan Lan~~~ 🫶🫶

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