Episode 4

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I paused my steps in front of the Classroom , before I swing it open the door and step into the room. 

"Morning Everyone!" I make a greeting to all of the Students, The lecture hall is filled with eager students, notebooks in hand.

"Morning!" they all greeting back in sync.

"I am Jennifer Alison and I am your guys Tutor of Art Terms. So, I really hope to get along " I said with smile.  "So , shall we start?" I asked to them. They all give me a nod and I can hear the flipping sound of Papers. 

I put out my Laptop from my bag and set up my presentation while the students watch with anticipation. 

"For today I want to talk to you about the journey of an artist. Each stroke of the brush, each blend of colors, it's all a form of expression as the Beginning. I don't want to be too serious from the beginning of the day cause If I were you ....I will also really hate it too." they all let out a laugh at my joke.

"So, Lets start" I click to the first slide, revealing a painting of a vibrant cityscape.

"Take a look at this painting. What do you see? More importantly, what do you feel? Art has the power to evoke emotions and spark conversations about the world around us.

A student raises their hand, eager to share their interpretation.

"Yeah, Please go on" I said.

"I see the energy of the city, the hustle and bustle of everyday life."

"Exactly! This painting isn't just about buildings and streets; it's a reflection of the vibrant, dynamic nature of urban living. As artists, it's our responsibility to capture these nuances and convey them through our work. Take this painting, for example." I added.

The students nod in understanding, captivated by my words.

"Now, let's delve into the technical aspects of painting. . Pay close attention to composition, light, and shadow. These elements can transform a simple scene into a masterpiece."

I flip to the next slide, showcasing a series of sketches and studies.

I pointed out to the sketches and said "Before I begin any painting, I always start with rough sketches and studies. This allows me to explore different angles and compositions until I find the perfect balance." 

All of the students scribble notes furiously, eager to incorporate my techniques into their own practice. 

"Excuse Me! Madam Alison" Another one of the student raises their hand, curious to learn more.

"Sure, asked me"

" How do you decide on the colors you use in your paintings?" the student asked.

"That's a great question. What is your name?" I asked while I took a seat on the desk.

"David" he answered.

"Thank you David for the question and for your participating"

"For the answer, when selecting colors, I consider the mood and atmosphere I want to convey. Warm colors like reds and oranges can evoke feelings of passion or excitement, while cool colors like blues and greens can create a sense of calm or serenity."

He gives me a nod and write down into the note books while also other students nod in understanding and intrigued by my insight. 

Another student raises their hand again. 

"Yes " I give them a permission to freely ask.

"How do you know when a painting is finished?" one of the girls asked.

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