Episode 27

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" 'What?' I inquired of Lexa as I arranged the cups on the shelf.

'Yeah, May really wants to meet Adie,' Lexa responded as she handed me the washed cups. I paused, cup in hand.

'So, does Adie need to sleep over at your house?' I turned slightly to face her, my gaze meeting hers.

'If you guys want to...' she trailed off. As she spoke, I glanced over at Adie, who was seated on the small couch by the counter. Having Adie sleep over at Lexa's wasn't unusual; whenever I had an important case, Adie stayed with Lexa's aunt, May. May was close to both of us and adored Adie, always lending a helping hand during those challenging months with a 5-month-old.

'I'll inquire about it,' I decided, making my way toward Adie. Upon reaching her, I paused, kneeling down to meet her gaze. At the sight of me, she beamed up with a huge smile, mirrored by my own.

'There's something I need to tell you,' I began, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

'Remember Auntie May...right?' I prompted.

'Yeah, I remember,' she replied promptly, nodding in understanding."

"Lexa mentioned that Auntie May wants to see you," I paused, giving her head a gentle pat. "So, would you like to have a sleepover at Lexa's house?" I added, noticing the excitement that briefly flashed across her face before she concealed it with a shy gesture, lowering her head. Understanding her mix of emotions, I quickly ruffled her hair and reassured her, "Don't worry about me, I'll be just fine," prompting her to glance back up at me.

"Is that okay?" she softly inquired.

"Of course," I responded promptly with a reassuring nod.

"Great, I'll go grab some clothes for tonight," I announced, met with her eager agreement, which elicited a small giggle from me. Turning back towards the counter, I addressed Lexa, who was busy taking orders from customers.

"Lexa, I'll go get some clothes for Adie," I informed her. She gave me a thumbs-up in acknowledgment, her attention still focused on the counter. Swiftly removing my apron, I exited the café. It only took a few minutes to reach the apartment and gather Adie's essentials. While there was a hint of worry, there was also a sense of comfort in knowing that tonight, I would have a chance to fully relax and enjoy some peaceful time—I hadn't experienced since becoming Adie's guardian. After packing a few clothes, her favorite toy, and a toothbrush, I swiftly returned to the café, ready for the evening ahead.

As I approached the café, I spotted Lexa and Adie already outside.

"Are you heading home already?" I called out as I hurried toward them.

"Yeah, May is really excited and she mentioned she's already preparing dinner. So, we better get going," Lexa replied, her hand firmly holding Adie's. I nodded in understanding, handing Lexa the bag of Adie's belongings.

"Here," I said, passing her the bag, which she promptly stowed in the back of the car. While Lexa busied herself with the bag, I turned to Adie.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth before bed," I reminded her, gently adjusting her hair with my hand. "And be a good girl at Auntie Lexa and Auntie May's house, okay?" I added, meeting her gaze with a soft expression. Adie nodded in response.

"I will, Jennie," she affirmed, pulling me into a tight hug. "I love you, Jennie," she added earnestly.

"I love you too, sweetie," I replied, lifting her into my arms and planting a quick kiss on her cheek. "I think I'm going to miss you," I teased, pulling a mock-sad face, which elicited giggles from her.

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