Episode 31 (Part 2)

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"Could you please state your name?" the police officer inquired as I sat before him on a small chair, my nerves palpable.

"Jennifer Alison," I responded, struggling to contain my anxiety. The officer nodded and shifted his focus to the person seated next to me.

"And what is your name?" he asked Lawrence, who sat quietly beside me.

"Lawrence... just Lawrence," came the softly spoken reply. The officer briefly glanced at Lawrence before jotting a note on his pad. Then, he turned his attention to the individual seated to my left. As his gaze fell upon them, he let out a heavy sigh before initiating the conversation.

"I already know who you are, but as part of my duty, I have to ask for your name, sir," the officer paused, turning to another page of his notepad. "Please tell me your name," he requested. As soon as he addressed the person seated to the left of me, Lawrence and I glanced at him simultaneously.

"Umm... My name is Alex Albon," he added with an awkward smile. The officer nodded at us and continued jotting down notes on his pad. He remained silent for a few minutes, engrossed in reviewing his notes. Before he could speak again, a voice echoed from the holding cell.

"I won't bargain with them because they stole my kittens!" the voice shouted out, reaching us from the holding cell.

"We're not stealing; we're just trying to save," I retorted, with Alex and Lawrence echoing my sentiments in unison.

"SILENCE!" the officer bellowed, slamming his desk. "Keep your mouths shut," he added sternly, turning towards us. As his gaze fell upon us, Alex and I swiftly adjusted our posture, sitting up straight, while Lawrence remained motionless.

"Now, today's case is..." he paused, glancing at us. "You three were attempting to take the kittens from the man who was selling them on the platform," the officer stated.

"Yes! He was cramming them into a paper box, which seemed very uncomfortable for the kittens," Alex interjected. I nodded vigorously in agreement.

"And, as we've stated, we're not stealing; we're just trying to save them," I added, nodding assertively as the officer looked at us, momentarily speechless. He cleared his throat and sat up straight, regaining his composure.

"Miss Alison and Mr. Albon, I understand that you were trying to do something good, but this approach isn't the right solution," he stated, leaning back in his chair.

"No, I was also trying to negotiate with him to buy all the kittens," Alex interjected. "But he insisted on holding them unless I paid him $20,000 for just two, not for all of them. Isn't that right?" He not only spoke for himself but also included me in the conversation, catching me off guard. I quickly agreed with him, feeling flustered by the sudden attention.

"Yes, that's correct... not for all 12," I paused, holding up two fingers towards the officer. "Only for two," I affirmed. The officer remained silent, staring at us for a moment before resuming the conversation.

"Have you already contacted your family members or a lawyer or anything?" he inquired, turning his attention towards the computer.

"Are we going to jail?" I asked nervously.

"Oh no! I'm going to lose my job," Alex added, echoing my concern.

"Not for jail... we'll just issue you a warning or something... but that man won't negotiate with you. You guys have to abide by the law," the officer explained without looking at us. Before I could say anything else, Lawrence reached into her pocket, pulled out a wallet, and extracted a small card, which resembled a business card. Placing it on the desk before the officer, she spoke up.

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