Episode 29

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After driving for several minutes, Charles halted his car at a roadside corner. I turned my head towards him, my curiosity piqued.

"Wait a second. I want to ensure we're on the right track," he said, retrieving his phone from his pocket to check. His proactive approach caught me off guard; he explained before I had the chance to inquire. After a brief pause to scroll through his phone, he returned it to its place and restarted the engine.

"Where are we headed?" I inquired, scanning our surroundings with interest.

"Why... do you think I'm going to kidnap you?" he joked, and I chuckled in response.

"Just trust me, Jen. You'll enjoy it," he assured, continuing to drive for a few more minutes. Eventually, he pulled into the parking lot of a tall building, which stirred a slight nervousness within me. As he parked, he resumed our conversation.

"Let's go," he said briskly, exiting the car. Following suit, I hurriedly stepped out, and together we made our way through the lobby towards the elevator. While riding up, a wave of apprehension washed over me. Sensing my unease, Charles lightened the mood with a chuckle as he initiated conversation.. 

"Don't worry, Jennie, there'll be things up there," Charles reassured with a chuckle, casting a glance my way. I responded with an awkward smile, saying nothing, and returning his gaze. Upon reaching the top of the building, he strode out of the elevator towards the two receptionists, who greeted us warmly. Meanwhile, I lingered behind, captivated by the breathtaking decor of the building. Suddenly, a painting on the wall caught my eye, its placement strikingly perfect.

"What a beautiful piece," I murmured to myself, studying the painting intently until Charles called my name from behind.

"Jen!" His voice snapped me out of my reverie, and I swiftly turned to join him.

"Come on," he beckoned, gently placing a hand on my back. Together, we headed towards what appeared to be the main door. Pausing briefly, Charles swung the door open with both hands, welcoming a rush of cold breeze. It led out onto a balcony, offering a panoramic view of the night sky and the bustling city below.

"Wow," I gasped in amazement, slowly approaching the balcony's edge and resting my hands on it, closing my eyes to savor the crisp, refreshing air. Charles made his way to a small counter on the balcony, setting down his belongings before joining me, standing beside me silently.

"What a refreshing breeze," he remarked, joining me and closing his eyes in bliss. I nodded in agreement, taking a deep breath before initiating conversation.

"This is my first time," I confessed softly, though my words were audible enough for him to hear. His expression shifted to one of confusion as he turned towards me, prompting me to clarify.

"I mean... this is my first time experiencing something like this in my life, you know," I elaborated. His gaze softened as he looked at me.

"That's why," I continued, meeting his gaze with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Charles," I added before returning my attention to the night sky.

"It's okay, Jen," he replied gently. "I'm glad to hear that," he said, his smile mirroring mine as he too gazed up at the stars. We shared a few moments of comfortable silence, taking in the sight of the night sky and the fresh air.

"I think it's time now," he eventually broke the silence, prompting me to look at him with curiosity.

"Stay here," he instructed, gesturing for me to remain as he hurried towards the door. Moments later, he returned and switched off all the lights on the balcony, leaving only the soft glow of the nearby lamp.

"What was that, Charles?" I queried, my curiosity laced with chuckles, as he made his way back to me. He remained silent, gazing at me for a few moments before responding.

"Look!" he exclaimed, pointing upwards.

"What do you..." I began, but my words trailed off as I beheld the transformed night sky, now adorned with countless stars.

"Oh my God," I gasped, instinctively covering my mouth with my hands in amazement.

"They told me that I had to turn off all the lights to fully appreciate the night sky. I guess they were right," Charles remarked, his gaze still fixed on the celestial display above us.

The Night Sky : 

"Oh God, Charles, they're so beautiful," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion as I gazed up at the sky

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"Oh God, Charles, they're so beautiful," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion as I gazed up at the sky.

"Thank you, Charles, thank you... thank you," I repeated, overcome with awe. Without even realizing it, I impulsively leaped into his arms, embracing him tightly. He reciprocated the hug, joining me in the moment, until the realization of our closeness jolted me back to reality, and I quickly pulled away.

"Um... I'm sorry, Charles," I stammered, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "I got carried away. I'm just... so..."

"It's okay, really. I don't mind," he reassured me with a smile, causing my cheeks to flush even more beneath the night sky. We settled back into a comfortable silence, content to bask in the beauty of the night. Without any distractions, I absorbed the scene, etching it into my memory and heart, envisioning it as inspiration for my next painting—the latest creation of Hal.


It was the most beautiful night, filled with unforgettable moments that Jennifer experienced for the first time in her life. Beyond the unexpected adventure, she unwittingly embarked on a new chapter of her life. Simply by being herself, she unwittingly became someone's weakness, unlocking the door to someone's heart. That someone was the man who couldn't tear his gaze away from her, even amidst the breathtaking sight of the night sky. In that moment, he found himself captivated by her presence, her essence shining brighter than the stars above.

As Jennifer lost herself in the beauty of the night sky, Charles Leclerc remained entranced, his gaze fixed upon her with a soft smile. Each moment seemed to deepen his fascination with her, drawing him further into her orbit.

Then, almost imperceptibly, he murmured under his breath, his words a secret kept between him and the stars, hidden from Jennifer Alison's awareness.

"Damn. I am in Love" he mumbled to himself, struggling to tear his gaze away from Jennifer Alison, the girl who had unknowingly captured his heart beneath the night sky.

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