Episode 42

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It all began on my 5th birthday in a small house in a quaint town in California. It must have been around 7 in the evening. I sat alone in my bedroom, clutching my old teddy bear, when suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the house followed by the sound of breaking glass. Moments later, my mother's voice rang out in agony.

"Kevin, stop! Please, stop!" she cried out in pain, her voice filled with fear.

My mother's name is Heather Olivia, a striking woman with ginger hair and brown eyes, much like mine. My father, Kevin Hal Alison, is a figure I barely remember, except for his drunkenness and his violent outbursts towards my mother and my older brother, James.

Tentatively, I approached the door and cracked it open, peering downstairs. All I could see were menacing shadows, one looming figure striking at another. A lump formed in my throat as I watched in horror. Suddenly, a small shadow darted upstairs, sending a shiver down my spine. I quickly closed the door and backed away, paralyzed with fear.

For a moment, I thought it was my father ascending the stairs, but to my relief, it was James, my 10-year-old brother. He barged into my room and swiftly locked the door behind him, his face wrought with fear and urgency.

"What's going on, James?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear. James, also visibly shaken, looked at me for a moment before speaking.

"It's nothing, Jen," he whispered. But before he could say more, another shout erupted from downstairs.

"You damned bitch!" my father's voice thundered, followed by the sound of shattering glass, making me flinch involuntarily. James rushed over to me, guiding me to sit beside the bed, his hands gripping my shoulders for reassurance.

"Come on, Jen, sit down here," he said, gesturing to the floor. I complied, settling down next to him.

"Is Daddy hurting Mommy again?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. James didn't say anything, just looked at me with teary eyes and shook his head.

"It's just the usual, Jen," he murmured softly, taking my small hands in his. He held them tightly, offering silent comfort, before speaking again. "I have something for you," he said, reaching into his back pocket. "Close your eyes, Jen," he added with a faint smile. I nodded and shut my eyes tight. After a few moments, I heard the faint strains of the "Happy Birthday" tune, sung softly by James, and I opened my eyes, a glimmer of joy breaking through the fear.

"Happy Birthday, my little sister Jennifer," James said, his smile stretching wide as he presented a chocolate ready made packaged cupcake adorned with colorful sprinkles.

"Cupcake!" I exclaimed in surprise, reaching out to take it eagerly.

"This is your birthday cake. I know it's small, but Mom will buy you a bigger one later, okay?" he explained, gently patting my head as I happily indulged in my pancake. As we enjoyed the moment together, heavy footsteps echoed from upstairs, halting in front of my room before the door swung open.

"Mom!" James called out, while I dashed towards the woman standing in the doorway.

"Mommy!" I exclaimed with a bright smile, wrapping my arms around her thighs and gazing up at her. But as I looked up, I noticed bruises marring her face and hands. She didn't even spare me a glance, addressing James with a cold, steady voice.

"James, pack your things," she instructed tersely.

"Mom... where are we going?" James began to ask, but before he could finish his sentence, Mom erupted in a fit of rage.

"JUST PACK YOUR DAMN THINGS!" she screamed at him, causing me to flinch and take a few steps back. "Pack your things, and we're leaving in a minute," she added before storming out the door. Before she disappeared, she shot me a fleeting glance that left me feeling bewildered.

"I think we're moving," James said, a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he gripped my shoulder. "We're going to be free, Jen," he added before darting off to his room, leaving me alone to process the whirlwind of events. Reality crashed down on me, and I quickly grabbed my school backpack, stuffing it with essentials. As I hurriedly packed, James emerged from his room.

"Jen, hurry up! I'll wait for you downstairs," James called out, darting down the stairs before I could even respond. Before I could ask him to wait for me, he vanished from sight. His excitement seemed palpable, but I was left feeling utterly confused. Once I finished packing, I made my way downstairs quickly. However, the atmosphere had changed drastically, contrasting with James's earlier jubilation.

"Mom?" I called out softly to the woman standing at the main doorway with James, while Dad sat on the living room couch, nursing his whiskey. As usual, she didn't acknowledge me. Hastily, I ran to her and tugged on the sleeve of her dress, seeking her attention.

"I've already packed, Mommy," I said, looking up at her. But she brushed my hand away without a word or a glance.

"You have to stay here, Jennifer," she said coldly, sending waves of sadness washing over me. "Stay with your father," she added, picking up her bag from the floor and taking James's hand. "Let's go, James," she said, attempting to leave the house. However, her movements were halted by a sudden tug from James.

"But, Mom... what about Jen?" he asked, pulling her hand back. Again, she tried to pull away without responding. "Mom!" James shouted, pulling her back a second time. This time, she turned toward him, her own voice rising sharply.

"I AM NOT TAKING HER!" she yelled, her gaze piercing through me as she finally acknowledged my presence. "SHE IS NOT MY DAUGHTER. I WON'T TAKE HER WITH US," she declared, her words hitting me like a tidal wave. "Do you hear me?" She redirected her attention to James, gripping his arms and shaking them before letting out a heavy sigh and attempting to leave once more. But this time, it wasn't James who stopped her, it was me. Without a second thought, I rushed towards her and clung tightly to her thighs, tears streaming down my face.

"Mommy... please don't leave me," I pleaded, my voice choked with emotion. "I'll be good, I promise," I begged, refusing to let go despite her attempts to push me away. "I promise... I won't ask you for a piano or coloring books anymore," I sobbed, desperation lacing my words. "Please don't leave me alone," I pleaded as she finally managed to pry me off, leaving me sitting on the ground.

As she forcefully guided James into the car, both of us sobbing uncontrollably, she turned to me before getting into the driver's seat, her gaze locking with mine.

"This is your fate, Jennifer Alison," she stated in a chilling tone. "Remember, you are not a daughter to a mother, nor is there a mother for you," she added, turning away towards the car. "You'll have to grow up on your own," she concluded before swiftly getting into the car and driving away, leaving me alone, tears clouding my vision as I sobbed uncontrollably.

That night, I cried harder than I ever had in my life. For hours, I remained seated on the ground in front of the house, my tears staining the earth below me. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the spot where the car had disappeared, even as darkness enveloped everything around me.

Eventually, a man emerged from inside the house, his voice slurred with intoxication as he scolded me. "Stop sobbing with that stupid sound," he muttered, taking a swig of whiskey before disappearing back inside. "No one is going to help you stand up, not even your mom," he added dismissively.

With trembling hands, I gathered what little strength I had left and rose to my feet. The courage to face the empty house eluded me, but I knew I had to try. Slowly, I made my way back inside, clutching my backpack tightly. Each step felt like a burden, each breath filled with pain and sorrow. As I shut the door behind me, I couldn't shake the feeling that this house would never be a home again ,that it would forever bear the scars of that fateful night.

From that day, I was become 5 years old kid who was forced to become grown up alone.

"I don't need to be strong alone..."
" I was still a kid and ...I still need family...and ....Mother"

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