Episode 32

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"Welcome home, little kitty," Adie exclaimed with excitement as we returned to our apartment. Her joy was palpable as she embraced our new pet. Caught up in her enthusiasm, I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I made my way to the kitchen to prepare some essentials for our furry friend.

Since we had adopted the kitty suddenly, we lacked proper supplies for it. I rummaged through the kitchen cupboards in search of a suitable bowl, settling on a small one temporarily for the milk I was about to prepare. Meanwhile, Adie was engrossed in playing with the kitty, lavishing it with care and attention, following its every move. After a brief search, I finally found the perfect bowl for our little companion. 

"Adie, bring the kitty over here," I called out, emerging from the kitchen with a small amount of milk in hand. Placing the bowl on the kitchen counter, we watched eagerly as the kitty tentatively lapped up its milk.

"Have you thought of a name for him yet?" I inquired, gently rubbing Adie's head as she pondered her response.

"Coco," she replied with a wide smile, redirecting her attention to the little kitty. I couldn't help but giggle at her endearing choice of name.

"Well, Coco, welcome home, buddy," I greeted, giving him gentle pats on his head.

"Come on, let's get some work done," I suggested, placing a comforting hand on Adie's back. Without hesitation, she nodded in agreement and made her way to her room.

"Bye, Coco," she waved before disappearing into her room, leaving me chuckling softly. Turning my attention back to Coco, who was peacefully enjoying his milk, I couldn't help but comment, "Looks like you've already won Adie's heart, haven't you?"

With a soft sigh, I headed towards my room. "Makes me a little jealous," I admitted with a smirk, before embarking on a mission to find a cozy spot for Coco to sleep.

As I scoured the house for the perfect resting place for the little guy, Adie was diligently focusing on her math homework. Adie was not only a hardworking student but also exceptionally talented in mathematics, much like her father, my brother James. James, despite his brilliance in math, had a passion for the arts, much like me.

Finally, I spotted a small basket tucked away at the bottom of my bookshelf. Swiftly dropping to my knees, I retrieved it, causing a forgotten paper box to tumble down with it, stirring up a cloud of dust. Carefully, I picked up the box, noticing its age and the layer of dust covering it. Placing it on my nightstand for later inspection, I left my room with the basket in hand.

After a few minutes of preparation, I had everything ready for Coco. Placing the basket near Adie's room, which was conveniently close to mine, I stepped back to admire my handiwork. With the setup complete, I scanned the room in search of Coco. Spotting him under the kitchen chairs, his curiosity evident in every step, I couldn't help but smile at his playful exploration of our apartment.

"There you are," I murmured softly as I gently lifted Coco from under the chair, cradling him in my hand. Still small enough to be held with just one hand, I carried him to the cozy spot I had prepared for him.

"I hope you like it, buddy," I said with a smile as Coco happily settled into his new surroundings, spinning around in the basket. After ensuring he was comfortable, I headed to the bathroom to wash my hands before retreating to my room.

Closing the door behind me, I changed into my comfortable clothes and settled onto my bed. However, my attention was quickly drawn to the box I had placed on my nightstand earlier. Curiosity piqued, I retrieved it and settled onto the floor, wiping away the layer of dust before opening it.

As the lid swung open, a flood of childhood memories washed over me. Toys from my younger years, rocks collected from my first trip to the beach at age three, all stirred up feelings of nostalgia and warmth. But amidst the mementos lay a bundle of letters tied with a natural Jute Twine, each one a poignant reminder of my brother James.

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