Episode 5

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"Jenni !" Adie runs out from the school and give me a tight hug.

"Hey, sweetie how was your day?" I asked by ruffling her hair slightly. "Everything is fine and I got A+ at Spelling for Today." she said with huge smile. "Wow, what a brilliant girl?" I picked her up from the ground and swing around. She let our giggles in amusement. "So, what do you want for your achievement?" I asked and slowly put her down and open the car door for her. She tilts her head while thinking about what she wants.

"I want Ice Cream" she said with huge grin.

"Oh, what a nice choice" I added and put her into the car and took a belt on her. I let out a huge sigh before I swiftly joined into the car.

"How about your day Jenni?" she asked with soft voice.

"Too well for express" I give her a huge smile over the backseat mirror. Actually, it was a fake smile that I was trying my best to put on. Today, is totally exhausted day that I ever had. After a few mins later, I parked my car beside the platform. "Come on , lets have our Achievement Ice Cream" I said with grin and quickly get out from the car. Adie was making a small dance in the backseat until I open the door for you.

"Welcome, how can I help for you" as soon as we take a step into the Ice Cream shop the shopkeeper greeted us with huge smile.

"Why don't you order by yourself Adie?" I picked her up to see the Menu card which is on the wall of behind the counter. After she carefully choosing her favorite combo , she ordered.

"I want Vanilla Strawberry with Chocolate topping" she said with her cute smile.

"Oh, what a nice choice Dear" the shopkeeper said with chuckles. The shopkeeper, she opened the fridge and filling the cup with 3 balls of Vanilla Strawberry Ice Cream. After she put up Chocolate topping on it , she carefully handed to Adie.

"Thank you so much" Adie gives her a small nod and thanks to her while I reach into my purse and pull out some cash, holding it out to the shopkeeper.

"Oh, what a clever girl!" she added with huge smile. A proud smile for My Adie, slowly appeared on my face.

" You are really Great Mother, young lady" she said while she taking a cash from me.

"Um...Thanks" I said with a small smile.

"You well trained your kid how to be polite , that's why you are really Clever Mama for her" she added again.

"Thank you " I give her a nod and put out my hand to grab Adie's hand.

"Goodbye Miss" Adie gives a small wave to the shopkeeper before we step out from the shop. I didn't do any objection about her mention 'Mother' cause I titled myself as Adie's Mother too. While I was losing myself into my thoughts of train , Adie pulls my hand to grabs my attention.

"Jenni can I have Pinwheel?" she asked with pleading eyes and pointed out to the Store which is across from our side. "Promise me, you will keep it safe" I looked into her eyes to make a promise with me. Without wasting anytime, she gives me an agreement nod. So, I took her hand and we both make a cross the road.

That shop seem like a Vintage Shop. It gives us Old Vibe of London. The door bell rung off, when we both step into the shop.

"Welcome Please" the old woman greeted us with huge smile.

"Can I have Pinwheel?" Adie softly asked to the old lady. "Sure, my dear which one do you want?" she asked and gesture her to follows with her. Adie looks up at me to give her a permission to follow. I give her a smile and nod to let her know. When she follows with the old lady , I also take a look around the shop. I saw some old enough things from ages ago. I saw pair of Tea pot with cups with are made of pure glass. Then, I saw a painting which is covered with plastic. When I took a few steps closer to take a look at the painting , a pair of small hands appeared from behind and hug my lower waist.

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