Episode 21 (Part1)

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"No...No...No I am getting late" I cussed myself while I was directly drove into the Adie's school parking lot. It is almost nearly 10:45 am and that's mean I am pretty getting late for ceremony. As I parked into the lot, I can clearly see lots of kids with their parents. They all standing together in the field. I swiftly grab my bag and rush towards the main entrance. As soon as I step into the school, I spotted Lily's figure while she was walking back and front. 

"Lily!" I called out her name by waving my hand in to the air. She swiftly turns her head to my direction with relief eyes and runs towards me. 

"Oh My God Jennifer" she paused me and gives me a hug " I thought you ghosted me" she said. I let out small giggles at her words. 

"Why do I have to do that " I added by taking lanyard from her hand to pull over my neck.

"I was too worried about that " she said with small sigh. 

"Where is Adie, btw?" I asked her with curious. 

"She is already with her friends and her classroom teacher in the field" she swiftly answered and we both walk towards the headmaster room. This is my first time to meet up with headmaster of Adie's school and her old student who is managing director of sort kind of Sport. We both let out a huge sigh as we both paused our steps in front of the headmaster room. 

"That is totally crazy" Lily said. I just give her a agreement nod. 

"Are you ready Jennifer?" she asked me as she prepared her hand to make a door knock. 

"I am always ready Lily" I swiftly give her a thump up with nod before she makes a knock onto the door. It only took a few seconds to hear the response from the room. 

"Come in" the old lady, who has British accent swiftly gives us a permission to come in. Lily swiftly gives me a small nod before she opens the door with door knob and steps into the room first. As she open the door and steps into the room, I can clearly hear some voices coming up from the room. I have been teaching to numerous amount of students in the Oxford University while standing in front of the lecture hall room but, I feel kind of nervous about this. I make some breath in, breath out excises to stabilize myself before I pull up the door knob and walk into the room. Without making any noise, I softly open the door and step into the room. 

"Oh, come in Miss Alison" the headmaster greeted to me as she spotted my appearance from behind Lily. 

"Nice to meet..." I was paused in gasp, cause of the appearances of the guests for today sport ship ceremony. They are none of the other my regular customers of my cafe and the F1 drivers. They are Charles, Max, Lando, George and Pierre.  

"Jennifer!" they all called out my name in sync which make me in freeze. 

"Do you guys already know each other?" another Scottish voice added and bring my eyes connect. As I continue my glance forward, I become more double freeze. It was Susie who is the woman that I met her in the school restroom and helped her to clean up her stained coffee from her shirt. Now, she was sitting beside of the headmaster by greeting at me with huge smile. Moreover that, the person who is sitting across the Susie was none of the other Lewis Hamilton. He also looking at me with smile. 

What the hell is that ....my inner side mumbled to myself. While I was freezing with sudden encounter , Lily slightly push my arm to pull me back to reality. I swiftly shake my head to remove my thoughts of my head .

"Umm... nice to meet you Madam." I make a greeting to headmaster "And, yes...we know each other cause they are my regular customers of my Cafe. That's why..." I added by explaining the relation about between me and drivers. 

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