Episode 17

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"Is ok Lexa, you don't have to worry" I softly said to Lexa on the phone while I was arranging some books into the shelf of Teacher Room. 

"You are really busy with your job and i cant..." before she finished her words I paused her. 

"Lexa Donaldson" I called out her by her full name. "I am not just your best friend. You are my sister. Remember?" I added her. She took a silent for agreement. "So, don't you dare to say sorry again. " I added with hummed. She lets out small giggles. 

"That's why you are my favorite all the time" she said with her raspy voice. 

"What about your aunt? Is she ok?" I asked while I walk out from the room to get to the canteen. 

"Well, she just got struggle with her ankles." she paused and lets out sigh " So, she have to take a rest for a week" while she was saying, I heard another voice from her side. 

"I am not gonna lie in bed for a week, Donaldson" her aunt yelled out to her. "You cant even sit up straight " she yelled back to her aunt. I let out giggles at them while I was taking my coffee from canteen. They both are really funny. Lexa really loves her aunt. But they are really like 'Tom and Jerry'...to be honest. They really love each other but they always fighting. Most of the people thought that Lexa is though woman cause of her angry face, raspy voice and appearance. But, Lexa is really pure soft hearted girl. She is really caring type. We met each other while I move alone into the London for the first time when I was around 19 and 20. She helps me with lots of part time jobs while I was struggling with Adie.

That's why Lexa is our one and only Family Member and She is my sister.

"Is ok Lexa. Just take care of auntie, I will take care your cafe. Don't worry" I said and take a seat on the bench which is located in the main hallway of University Compound. 

"Thanks Jen" she softly said. 

"No worry Lex" we both have another small conversations before we both hang up our call. I still took a couple of mins to finish my coffee before I entered another Lecture Hall Room. As I finished my coffee, I throw  the cup into the bin and directly walk up to the room. For Today, I have teach in the Studio Room for Practice section. So, I carried a stack of blank canvases under my arm with my painting tools box in the other hand. 

"Good morning, everyone!" I greeted with warm smile. 

"Morning Miss Alison" all of the students greeted back with smiles in sync. I give them a nod in acknowledge. 

"For today, we're going to delve into the wonderful world of painting. I hope you're all ready to unleash your creativity onto the canvas." I pointed out to the canvas and said. The students eagerly nod and exchange excited glances with each other before they started to prepare for their practice.

"Let's begin by selecting our subjects. You have the freedom to choose anything that speaks to you. Feel free to explore your surroundings for inspiration." I added while I was also prepare for myself. I also want to join with them for today section. As I said all of the students disperse around the studio, scouting for subjects. Some focus on still life arrangements, while others opt for portraits or landscapes.

Before I made up my painting I walk around the room to check up on my students' creations. Some students meticulously sketches a vase of flowers, paying close attention to the delicate details while some another students sets up a makeshift studio with a fellow classmate posing as a model. I walk around the room by offering guidance and encouragement to my students.

"Remember, painting is not just about replicating what you see, but about capturing the essence and emotion of your subject. Let your brushstrokes reflect your unique perspective." I added  and all of the  students nod by absorbing my advice as they continue to work on their paintings. I also started my creation onto my canvas. 

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