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Few moments after I was done eating my so called father, Dyson, entered the room. I immediately felt chills all over me and got scared. Since I didn't know him, I didn't know what exactly he was capable of. He came closer to me and said:

"I'm not going to hurt you...", he said.

"Let me go!", I demanded.

"Well, if you keep behaving like this I will not!", he replied.

"Why are you doing this?", I asked, "what did I ever do to you to deserve this?!", I yelled.

"You wouldn't understand...", he said and then left the room.

Once again, I was left, in a room, with Ace, a mysterious man. I was wondering if anybody was ever going to come to save me, or if theres somebody out there, looking for me. I was sure there was.

After 3days of being captured in this room, I slowly started to lose hope... I stopped eating and talking, it was hard, but I didn't give up...

"Can u please eat this time, you'll get sick.", Ace said to me in a deep cold voice.

I didn't say anything back. I was tired, I probably lost about 3 pounds after being in there for 5 days.

When Dyson realised I was not going to give up and start eating, he once again came back into the room me and Ace were in. This time was different... His eyebrows were furrowed, he looked angry. He walked up to me holding a sandwich and put his face close to mine saying:

"Eat this."

I didn't answear.

"I said, EAT THIS NOW!", he yelled.

"I WILL NOT!", I said and right after spit in his face.

After I spit in his face he paused for a minute. Once a minute ended he slapped me so hard, I fell off to the floor with the chair I was tied to.

My vision suddenly got blurred, especially since I hadn't eaten in days. My ears started to beep, but I was awake enough to hear Ace and Dyson fighting.


"She has to go to the hospital!", Ace said.

"If you want to see your familly again, shut your mouth.", Dyson replied.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!", Ace kept arguing.

Right after Ace said that, two other people walked in and held him to the floor, while Dyson kicked him in his stomach with his leg. It was awfull. Right after i saw him getting beaten up, I fainted...

When I woke up, I saw Ace, also tied to a chair. There was blood coming out of his eyebrow and lip and had a bruise on his eye. He woke up a few moments after me, he started coughing and brathing heavily.

"M-my fam-", he couldn't stop coughing, "my familly, h-he'll take t-them!".

"D-don't worry, I promise you, w-we'll escape from here and yo-your familly will be okay!", I tried to calm him down.

"You don't understand...", he started saying, "Dyson has too many workers and cameras in every room, it's impossible to escape."

"There has got to be a way!", I said with tear rolling down my face.

A few minutes later, Dyson, once again walked in, but this time, with him there were the same 2 guys that were beating up Ace before.

"Look who's finally awake, did you sleep nice?", he said, with an ugly smirk.

He came closer and spit on both Ace and me. I immediatelly glared at him, then he said...

"You disappointed me Ace...", Dyson said to Ace, walking in circles around his chair.

"Please don't do anything t-", Ace begged, but Dyson interuppted him...

"How dare you speak to me!", he yelled.

Dyson told the 2 people he came with to untie Ace, and started beating him up again. I wished I could've helped, but I was tied to a chair. I tried to look away, but Dyson grabbed me by the chin and said:


I wondered what have I ever done to deserve this torture. It was awful! They kept going, all I could do now, was watch.

"PLEASE STOP!", I couldn't watch it anymore.

I broke down into tears and found myself, begging this cruel humam being...

"F-fa-father please stop!"

Here I was, saying a word I never thought would come out of my mouth, but I knew it was the only way to stop Dyson from torturing Ace...

"You two, stop beating him up and untie her!", Dyson demanded.

Right after he said that, they untied me and pushed me, off of my chair and I fell down to my knees, then all three of them left. Next to me was Ace, he was barely conscious, holding his stomach with blood coming out of his mouth. I came closer to him...

"A-Ace, p-please, I-I can't get out of h-here without you!", I was helpless.

Ace then lost his consciousness and I freaked out, I started screaming:

"A-ACE PLEASE WAKE UP!", I was teriffied something would happen to him.

"SOMEBODY HELP!", I begged for someone to come here and help him.

Dyson came in, and I kept begging:

"P-please get a doctor to take a look at him, please I BEG YOU!", I tried to tell Dyson.

"Only if you promise me to behave.", he replied.

"I PROMISE, please just get somebody to check on him!".

I didn't have a choice, I had to agree. After what seemed like 30 minutes, one of Dyson's doctors came. I felt relived.

I've now been stuck in here for about a week. I was weak and so was Ace.

"I need to find a way to get us out.", I said.

"Even if we managed to somehow escape, Dyson's people would find us and kill us.", Ace replied.

"If we don't escape, were going to be dead in less than a month."

I was prepared for the worst. I was ready to risk my life, just to get out of here, so was Ace...


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