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Both Ace and me knew if we didn't escape, we were both going to be dead in less than a month. We were prepared to risk it all, just to get out of here.

"You must know some secret way to get out of here!", I hoped, since Ace worked here for some time.

"I only know how to get out of here throught the halls, but all of them have cameras in them.", Ace replied.

Suddenly, I had an idea, I wasn't sure if it was going to work out, but it was the only way of Ace and me being able to escape.

"I suppose you know how to fight...", I said to Ace.

"What do you mean?", Ace asked confusedly.

"I have a plan.", I told Ace with having a slight smirk on my face.

My plan was to pretend Ace has gotten worse, Dyson would then, hopefully send two of his workers, once I give Ace a sign, he would get up and beat Dyson's workers up. After they get unconscious, Ace and me will get dressed into their uniforms and quickly escape.

This plan was risky. There were a lot of things which could go wrong, Dyson could send 1 worker instead of two, then we would have to think of a plan B for a way to get me out, but we thought of that aswell...

The next morning we acted it all out...

"A-Ace, Ace wake up!", I yelled.

"SOMEBODY HELP!", I begged again and again, "PLEASE!".

As expected, this time nobody came. After about an hour of me, crying and "trying to wake Ace up" , two of Dyson's workers came.

"W-wheres the doctor!", i stuttered, "Where a-are you taking him?!".

You can't take him!", I yelled.

Little did they know, that was Ace's sign...

The moment one of Dyson's workers put his hands on Ace, he beat both of them up like it was nothing! We changed into their uniforms, then Ace asked me:

"Are you ready?"

"There is no going back now.", I said seriously.

He then grabbed my hand and took both of us to the exit. The whole time we were walking, our heads were facing the floor.

The moment we stepped a foot out of the building we were stuck in, we started running, we knew we didn't have much time before Dyson finds out Ace and me escaped. We didn't stop running until we were sure nobody was following us and that we were far away enough.

"W-where do we go now?", Ace asked being out of breath.

"I-I have to go to my friend so I can tell her I'm okay!", I replied, also out of breath.

I knew it would be to risky to talk to Nancy face to face, so I decided to just leave her a letter, letting her know I was okay and she didn't have to worry about me. I was aware we couldn't see each other until I make sure Dyson wasn't going to look for me.

Me and Ace took a train to Nancy's house, but I noticed the whole time we were driving, Ace didn't take his eyes off of the window.

"Why aren't you taking your eyes off the window?", I asked smiling.

"I-I'm just worried about my familly, what if Dyson does something to them...", he replief to me.

"Look at me...", I said to Ace, putting my palm on his face turning his head facing me, "right after I leave this at my friends house, we'll go to the police and your familly will be okay.".

I tried to make Ace feel better, but deep inside I was worried too, Dyson is a cruel crazy man, who is ready to hurt others to just to get what he wants, even of that means he'll have to hurt his loved ones...

We were driving for about an hour, I took the long driving as an opportunity to write a letter for Nancy, but also my mom. I was sure she was dead worried about me.

"Dear Nancy, It may sound crazy, but it's Aubrey. While I was in the library, my father kidnapped me, I don't know how, but he found me, but I managed to escape. I wish I could come and see you in person, but it's too risky. Right after I give you this I'm going to the police station, once they catch him, I'll come and see you and don't worry, I'm not alone. Please tell my mom that I'm okay so she doesn't have to worry. Love you, your best friend, Aubrey."

A tear rolled down my face as I was writting the letter. It was hard and I prayed the police would be able to catch Dyson, so we could all be able to continue living our lifes like nothing happened. Little did I know, the real nightmare was about to start...


AUBREY- "It Was All A Lie"Where stories live. Discover now