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I slowly started to lose hope after not seeing the light of sun for a few days, the only light in the whole room came from the one tiny window that was on the top of the wall, until one day, I noticed a shadow coming from the window, I heard slow foot steps aswell, almost as if somebody was trying to get in without anyone noticing...

I slowly started to lose hope after not seeing the light of sun for a few days, the only light in the whole room came from the one tiny window that was on the top of the wall, until one day, I noticed a shadow coming from the window, I heard slow ...

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"D-do you hear that?!", I asked Nancy, thinking I was just imagining stuff.

"O-oh my god! I-I DO!", she said hapily.

"It m-must be Ace! He finally came!", I hoped.

All of a sudden, all of our lost hope came back. We saw our only chance of escaping, so we started yelling.

"HELP, HELP US PLEASE!", Nancy and I yelled together.

"A-Aubrey?", somebody whispered, "It's Ace, don't worry, I'll come and save you together with the police!"

After he said that, he left. Nancy and I gained our hope back and felt stronger then we did before. A few moments later, Dyson came back asking...

"Stop yelling, or I wont be so nice to both of you!", and then left.

"Oh I hope Ace comes soon...", Nancy said.

"He will, I know it.", I replied.

Nancy and I waited and waited, days have passed and nobody came... I started to get worried.

"What if something happened to Ace, w-what if Dyson did something t-to him!", I was scared and started to think of the worst.

"I'm sure he's just making a plan with the police about how he's going to come and save us.", Nancy tried to calm me down.

It worked a little, bit still. I never knew what to expect with Dyson, he really is capable of everything...

3 days after still nothing, after a few days, the devil came back into the room, but with 2 of his workers...

He put a chair in front me and sat on it saying:


"Listen kid, we can do this the hard way or the easy way... Now you tell me, where is this mother fucker Ace hiding?", he said seriously.

"I dom't know, but even if I did, I wouldn't tell you a thing!", I said.

"So you want me to be the bad guy again, fine, I'll be the bad guy...", he replied and asked his worker to come closer, "tell me and he will show your little friend a way out of here.", he smiled saying.


"She told you she doesn't know!", Nancy jumped in.

"YOU SHUT UP!", he replied angryly, "TELL ME WHERE HE'S HIDING NOW!", he demanded.

"I DON'T KNOW!", I yelled.

He suddenly slapped me and said:

"Oh stop playing games with me and tell me!"

"I've already told you!", I replied.

He slapped me again, this time it was way harder, my lip started bleed all of a sudden.

"Oh I know how I am going to get some information out of you!", he said and walked towards Nancy...

"P-please d-don't do anything t-to me!", Nancy begged, scared for her life with tears starting to roll down her face.

"Oh don't cry kid, all I need is your friend to tell me where Ace is and I won't even lay a finger on you!", he said in a soft voice.

"I already told you, I REALLY DON'T KNOW!", I screamed.

"So that's how you wanna play, well fine!", he said an slapped Nancy.

"PLEASE I-I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW A THING!", I tried to tell him, he didn't listen and slapped Nancy once again.

I broke down into tears, I begged and begged for hum to stop, after he tortured Nancy and me he finally left...

"I-I am s-so sirry Nancy, I t-tried to t-tell him!", I cried to her.

"It's not your fault.", she said.

"It is, if I didn't leave you that stupid letter, he wouldn't even know where you lived and you wouldn't have to go through all of this torture!", I said.

No matter how much Nancy tried to cheer me up, but it didn't help. Deep inside I knew the truth was, if I wasn't so stupid, Nancy wouldn't be here and Ace and I would be free, maybe the police would even be able to catch Dyson and I could go visit my mother to tell her how much I've missed her and so I coudl hug her so tighter then I ever did.

All I thought about day and night was what would have happened if I didn't leave that letter, or maybe the higher power wanted us to go through all of this torture for a reason...

I just hoped, Ace was on his way to save Nancy and me and that he is coming fast because we were running out of time...


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