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Nancy and I were getting weaker and weaker day by day, Dyson was giving us barely any food and even less water. Our lips were dried out and we barely managed to keep ourselves awake.

"I-I'm so exausted Aubrey...", Nancy said to me.

"A-Ace is c-coming, I just know he wouldn't leave us here.", I tried to cheer us up.

"You've been repeating yourself none stop of days Aubrey! If he was to come, he would've a long time ago!", Nancy replied.

"He will, h-he promised me!", I said.

Even though I tried to belive it, day by day I slowly started to lose more and more hope about Ace coming.

I started to think Dyson maybe did something to him or even worse, maybe Ace really wasn't coming...

The next day, Dyson came in, once again asking the same thing.

"Listen kiddo, if you tell me where the litle guy pu**y is, tell me now and I promise I won't hurt him.", he said.

"I already told you, I-I really don't know...", I asweared with my head leaning towards the floor.

His soft manipulative smile then slowly faded away as I said those words

He suddenly grabbed me by the neck saying:

"So you want me to be the bad guy, fine, then I'll be the bad guy...".

Right after he said those words, from the outside, we heard a loud gun shoot.


A loud alarm started to go of, Dyson's eyes immediately spread wide open, finally letting go of my neck wich was also full of bruises

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A loud alarm started to go of, Dyson's eyes immediately spread wide open, finally letting go of my neck wich was also full of bruises.

"SHIT!", Dyson said in a panic, "You two stay here and make sure nobody comes close to them!", he demanded from his two guards.

"LET GO OF US!", both Nancy and I yelled.

"HELP US PLEASE!", we started to yell.

"You two shut the fuck up or I'll make you!", the guard said to me and put a tape over Nancy's and mine mouth.

The gun shoots kept going off without a single break. I got scared to death for Ace, what if Dyson or one of his guards shoots him, I again, started to think about the worst.

The guards phone started ringing, it turned out Dyson needed some back up.

"You stay here, boss said he needs some back up. DO NOT take your eyes off of these two!", the guard said.

After he left, his big friend sat on a chair right in front of us.

On the roof, there was a tiny vent, all of a sudden, white smoke started coming out of it.

On the roof, there was a tiny vent, all of a sudden, white smoke started coming out of it

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"W-what is happening?!", Nancy got scared.

"I-I don't k-know...", I asweared.

"What is happening!", the guard demanded.

"How are we supposed to know?!?!", Nancy replied.

The guard got anfry and pulled out a knife out of his pocket, putting it towards Nancy...

"Oh you think I'm stupid? Oh I'll shiw you you bitc-", he tried to say.

Right when he was about to hurt Nancy, somebody fell out of the vent from thr celling right on the guard, leaving him unconscious.

This mysterious person had a black suit on him with protection on his front side of his body. He also had a mask.

At first I thought it was somebody from the police, but as he turned around I realised it wasn't...

It tuned out to be somebody I didn't expect to come, even though deep inside of me I hoped he wouldn't break his promise.

The room got completely covered in smoke and Nancy and I could barely see a thing, so at first I didn't realise who this mysterious person was.

He took off the tape of off Nancy's and mines face and grabed me by my hand so tight I could barely feel it, with the other hand i was holding Nancy's. He was leading us as if we were blind, even though in some way we were.

It was too risky to go throught the halls so he helped us climb up in the vent. The smoke slowly started to fade away as we climbed into the vent.

When we got in, I started to cough since all of the smoke has gotten into my lungs, I was honestly suprised I was even able to breathe. The man turned around and my smile came back.

"A-Ace!", I asked.

"Sure it is!", he said.

"Holy shit!", Nancy said in a shock.

I immediately hugged him in a small space as tight as I could saying...

"I told you he was going to come!", I said to Nancy with a smirk.

"We don't have much time! We have to get out of here as fast as we can!", Ace said.

It was hard to move in a such small space, but in the end, we managed to get out...


AUBREY- "It Was All A Lie"Where stories live. Discover now