Consider yourself dead, Danielle Marsh.

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 One of the things Danielle and I had in common was our immeasurable competitiveness. For obvious reasons, this wasn't a good thing.

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" Danielle asked as we headed towards the building's exit.

"Of course, I have to come to support..." darn, I didn't have anyone to support anymore.

"To...?" she asked, trying to hold back her laughter.

"To no one," I replied resignedly, "...for now," I added.

"So you're not coming..." she let out a small laugh.

"I never said that," I smiled, "It might get interesting," I said mischievously, biting my lower lip.

"You know, your definition of 'interesting' doesn't sit well with me at all," she remarked.

"Oh, Danielle, you're just bitter," I said, making her laugh, "Get yourself a girlfriend, dear," I said, hugging her, and she burst into laughter.

"A girlfriend?" she turned to look at me since I was still hugging her, "That wouldn't be a problem if you didn't scare them away," she poked at my chest.

"Scare them away?" I asked innocently.

"Yes, you and your stupid 'tests'," she rolled her eyes, "Which I think are more like jealousy."

"No," I stretched, laughing, "They're not tests, just some questions."

"Yeah, right," she said sarcastically, "Why don't you just hold auditions, interview them all, and I'll stick with whoever you choose," the sarcasm was evident.

"You know, that's not a bad idea," I teased.

"Oh, please, Haerin," she interrupted.

"It was a joke," I smiled, making her burst into laughter, "So, who's in your plans?" I asked as we sat down on one of the campus benches. She just looked at me and shook her head, "Come on, Danielle, tell me," I urged.

"I won't tell you," she smiled.

"That means there is someone," I raised my eyebrows quickly.

"Don't waste your time," she affirmed, "But I still won't tell you," she smiled.

"Well, don't tell me then, I don't care," I stood up, grabbed my bag, and began walking towards my car.

"Don't be mad," she grabbed me by the waist, preventing me from walking.

"I'm not mad," I actually wasn't; it was impossible for me to be mad at Danielle.

"Oh, yes, you are," she hugged me and rested her head on my shoulder, "You're jealous," she laughed in my ear.

"And you're silly," I pushed her away.

"Hey, listen..." she said, pointing to her ear with her index finger.

A loud engine sound could be heard; I turned my gaze to where the loud noise was coming from.

"So, it's not just the outfit; she actually rides a motorcycle," I smiled, "What's her name?" I asked.

"Kim Minji," she replied.

"Nice name," she zoomed past us at high speed within seconds.

"You're wasting your time," Danielle sang in my ear.

"We'll see," I sang back, opening my car door.

Danielle closed the door and waited for me to lower the window.

"You'll meet her tonight," she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"You'll meet her tonight," she repeated.

"How? Is she going to the game?" it was more than obvious, but my astonishment hindered my logical thinking.

"Yes," she turned away, still walking, "With me."

"Consider yourself dead, Danielle Marsh," I shouted, "You have a 'date' and didn't tell me anything," she turned and as always just shouted back 'I love you.'

I started the car, still incredulous. Supposedly, best friends tell each other everything. She knows everything about me. And she hadn't even told me she's going out with someone.

"Stupid, thinking everything can be solved with an 'I love you'," I said annoyed as I drove home.

I was lying on my bed when my phone started buzzing. I looked at the screen. Bunny.

"What do you want?" I answered.

"Hey," she stretched, "Is this how you treat your best friend?"

"Best friend?" I asked, and she laughed, "Sure," I added sarcastically, "Now you understand why I don't have friends?"

"Oh, come on, don't be dramatic," she laughed again.

"I'm not being dramatic," I replied seriously, I wasn't upset, but what I was saying was true, "I trust you blindly, and you don't even tell me you're going out with someone."

"I did tell you, albeit a bit late," she said.

"Go to hell, Danielle," I hung up.

I stood up and dropped the phone on the bed, then walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. It was six in the evening; I probably wouldn't go to the game. I didn't want to be a third wheel with Danielle and her next 'girlfriend,' and I couldn't call anyone else since my focus was on Kim Minji.

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