You are not like this.

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 It was so difficult to decipher her gaze —"What the hell is she thinking?"— I couldn't interpret it, her head resting on her right arm. Her eyes were firmly locked with mine. She was the only one who didn't look away when she felt my gaze. Even Jimin, who had known me for years, would get angry when I looked at her like that. "Enough! I feel like running away," she would say in desperation; it was a powerful weapon. But she seemed to find it amusing.

She watched my every move attentively. I dropped my backpack again and sat in my new spot. First mistake: leaning back.

"Welcome, bad girl," she said with a slight giggle, taking one of the strands of my neck, trying to caress my skin.

I crossed my arms and leaned forward on the bench, avoiding any contact with Haerin. I was about to fall asleep when a small paper ball fell into the corner of my bench. I picked it up and opened it. "They say you're going to beat up Professor Hoffman," the pink handwriting indicated who it was from.

Second mistake: replying, "Actually, he deserves it, but I won't do it," and throwing it back without even trying to conceal it. Third mistake: laughing. "Yes, they also say you're afraid of him." Afraid of him? Huge glasses, brown pants, orange sweater, bow tie. A complete nerd.

Haerin's POV:

"Enough, you two! Out!" Damn it.


"No buts," the teacher shouted again. "It seems that Miss Kim is not interested in the class, and you prefer paying attention to her." Of course she preferred paying attention to Minji than to him.

Minji stood up again and grabbed her things. I followed suit, taking my bag and my phone. I adjusted my dress and then began to walk after her.

"Happy?" she asked grudgingly as we walked towards the lockers.

"Me? Yes," I answered, although I knew what she meant. "Always, unlike you," I turned to look at her.

"You just bring me trouble, you know?" Until now, I only knew of one problem, Eunchae.

"You're a liar!" I laughed. "I didn't force you to reply to my message, and don't tell me the first time the teacher scolded you was because of me."

"No," she said seriously. "I just want you to stay away from me." Wasn't she tired of rejecting me?

"Do you want me to stay away from you?" I stopped walking; she kept going without stopping and then turned around.

"Isn't it clear yet?" She turned again to continue walking down the long hallway.

"You're going to miss me, Kim," I said and turned around.

Minji's POV:

"You're going to miss me, Kim," I heard her say behind me, and then I heard her steps, but they weren't approaching, they were moving away.

Was she really going to leave me alone?

I turned over my shoulder, and she was no longer visible; she had indeed left me. It was about time. I reached my locker and left the couple of books I hadn't used today.

Stupid Hoffman.

"Minji," Eunchae said with her inflated "personality."

"Eunchae," I replied in the same tone. Who did she think she was?

"Look..." She let out a bitter laugh. "I'm only going to tell you one thing, and I want it to be crystal clear." What her majesty orders and commands. "I don't want you near Haerin."

For heaven's sake, I'm the least of her concerns.

"Weren't you two done?" I wasn't going to let this pretty girl get away with it.

"That doesn't matter. Don't you understand? I'm telling you..."

"It's not you who doesn't understand," I grabbed her shirt collar with both hands. "You and Haerin are over, and if I want, I can get close to her." I made her turn and slammed her against the lockers. "And I don't care what you think."

"You idiot..." She grabbed me by the collar. She was earning herself a punch in the face.

"Minji..." Haerin's voice, accompanied by her rhythmic walk, indicated she was coming. Eunchae pushed me, making me let go of her.

"This isn't over," she threatened before walking down the hallway. Haerin walked strangely towards me, but her gaze shifted from me to Eunchae, who was walking away.

"Weren't you going to leave me alone?" I asked when she stood in front of me; she faked a smile and adjusted her hair.

"I just came to get the half of the guide from you, so we don't have to see each other anymore." Please, just a few minutes ago, she was after me.

"I don't have it," I informed her. "I left it at home."

"Smart move, Kim," she said sarcastically. "There it is, perfect." How had she changed from "gorgeous" to Kim?

"You're a hypocrite," I laughed.

"Look who's talking," she put a hand on her hip. I had to admit, she looked pretty.

"How did you go from..." I approached her slowly, and her nerves began to take hold of her body. "... 'Hello, gorgeous' to 'let's not see each other anymore'?" I ran my hand over her waist to pull her closer.

"And how did you go from 'stay away from me' to this?" She referred to my closeness.

"I already told you," I buried my face in her sweetly perfumed neck. "I just want you for one night." She laughed. Any girl you told that to would slap you across the face. But she's so different from the others.

"Oh, really?" She put her hands on my neck to push me away and see me face to face. "Well, go ahead," she extended her arms, and I just looked at her without understanding. "Here I am." I laughed and shook my head before turning around. "I told you, you're not like that," she said confidently. "When will you take off your mask, Minji?" She was the last one to talk about masks.

"When you take off yours," I replied without even looking back at her.

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