I'm sorry.

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 She was more than upset. First, Minji had no right to talk to me like that. I know I had annoyed her too much, but I never disrespected her. That was the payment for spending my afternoon taking care of her siblings. She was ungrateful.

And second, my mother, who just to ease her guilt, pretends to be interested in me once a year. And this time couldn't have been more inconvenient.

Saturday afternoon. My mother had tried to make things right with me. But every time she tried to talk, she was interrupted by her stupid phone. Once again, I stood up and went to my room, leaving things even worse. Of course, if it's possible for our mother-daughter relationship to get worse.

Sunday night. I was practically sprawled on my bed, just like I had been all weekend, not in the mood for anything. The anger inside me was stronger than any desire to even get up for a glass of water.

I missed Eunchae... she was the one who made me forget all the problems with my "family." And what about Danielle, she not only helped me distract myself, she also listened and tried to help with everything she could. But now she was with Hanni... and Eunchae was with Garam. Resulting in Haerin being more alone than a school on Sunday.

"Shit..." I muttered to myself as I woke up to a not-so-pleasant surprise. My alarm clock had decided not to wake me up, so now I probably wouldn't make it to the first class on time. I grabbed something "simple" to wear, with no intention of dressing up.

I opened my locker, took a couple of books out of my bag to exchange them for another pair on the shelves. I had already missed the first class, so I wouldn't need them anymore.

"What are you trying to prove?" a female voice surprised me. As far as I knew, the hallways were empty. I ignored her and slammed the green locker door shut. "Is it because of what I said about your 'stupid pink dresses'?" she asked mockingly, but I found no humor in it.

"First of all..." I sighed. "I'm not trying to prove anything, especially not to you," I said clearly.

"And why are you being so rude to me now?" she approached me, trying to make me nervous. She definitely didn't know who she was dealing with; I could change the situation in seconds.

"You're a hypocrite, Minji," I said with disgust and moved away from her, but she grabbed me by the waist, preventing my escape.

"That's not..."

"That's not what you said a few days ago," I interrupted, completing her sentence.

"No," she smirked crookedly.

"You're right," I affirmed. "I'm actually ashamed of myself for following you so much," I said, changing the situation in seconds; now she would come running to me.


"Enough, Minji," I interrupted again. "The last thing I want today is to argue. Say what you want, I don't care anymore," I said with annoyance, which was the truth. "Just leave me alone," I used the same words she had used on me. I turned around, but before I could take a step, she grabbed my arm tightly. "It was becoming a habit for her to pull me like this," I thought. She pulled me closer to her body, her gaze locked onto mine.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" she chuckled heavily. "How? Like how you 'leave me alone'?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Minji, yes..." I dragged my words with a touch of irony and sarcasm, mainly to try to end this. A hand landed on my cheek, and in a matter of seconds, her lips crashed against mine.

"What's gotten into you!?" I pushed her away, she looked at me stunned. She probably expected a different response from me. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder to get away from her as quickly as possible.

I had decided to give up on the bet, but after this... she deserved payback. Minji would pay for all of it.

With quick steps, I left the building. I walked through the campus gardens until I realized I had gone far enough. I stopped in front of a huge tree, tossed my bag onto the grass, and then collapsed beside it. I bent my knees, hugging my legs to my body, and hid my face in my arms.


"Damn it, Minji!" I exclaimed annoyed. How had she found me? "Enough! You want me away from you, and now I want you away from me too. Everyone's happy, remember? 'Why don't you make all three of us happy?'" I echoed the words she had said to me days ago when she asked me to follow another girl from school.

"Listen to me!" she said excitedly. I raised my gaze and saw her sit beside me, leaning against the tree's huge trunk. "I-I'm sorry..."

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