What are you hiding, Kim?

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 "Curse you, Haerin," she said irritably. "There's no one like Minji!"

"Why won't you let me get to know you?" I asked, now irritated myself, as I lightly hit her abdomen.

"Okay, okay," she repeated, grabbing my wrists to stop me from hitting her. "My name is Minji, I'm nineteen years old."

"Nineteen?" I interrupted. "See..." I managed to break free and hit her again. "I didn't know that," I said as she grabbed my wrists again. "What are you a year behind?" I asked, puzzled.

"It's none of your business," she replied grumpily.

"It is my business if I'm asking," I replied, obvious. "Did you fail?" I asked, amused.

"No!" I laughed at her reaction.

"Then what?"

"Okay, I'll ask you instead," she finally relented. "Will you answer anything?" she asked, and I nodded.

"With the condition that afterwards you answer all my questions," I emphasized "all."

"Then no," she smiled hypocritically.

"What are you hiding, Kim!?" I shouted, desperate as to why she wouldn't just answer a couple of questions.

"Nothing," she said calmly.

"You know what, forget it," I grumbled annoyed, stepping away. "I'm just wasting my time trying to get close to you," I said, kneeling on the green grass before standing up. "I think you've rejected me enough for a lifetime," I said, taking my heel, still stuck in the ground, and limping as I started walking through the huge campus garden. Honestly, I was hoping Minji would catch up and apologize, agreeing to answer my questions, but that would be a miracle.

"What happened to you?" Danielle asked, laughing, noticing my shoe mishap.

"Nothing, I buried the heel in Park's face," I said casually, opening my locker.

"Really?" she asked, surprised.

"No," I replied. "But I wish I did," I said, closing the door with a bang.

"Aren't you going to change them?"

"No, I cleared out all my stuff from the locker days ago," I said, having removed clothes, shoes, and accessories; now it only had books, papers, and school supplies. "What are you doing out here?" I asked as I started walking with her.

"It seems like Hoffman didn't wake up in a good mood," she chuckled. "I think he'll be alone in the classroom," she said, and I joined her laughter; they had kicked her out too.

"How was your night?"

"Good," she said with a big smile. "We had dinner, talked, a 'I want you to be my girlfriend,'" Danielle said, "and of course, a 'Yes, Danielle, you're so beautiful,'" she exaggerated the story.

"You're a liar," I couldn't stop laughing.

"And you? Will you finally give in and admit I've won? Sexy Danielle Marsh never loses," she said confidently.

"Well, this time..."

"Cute shoes," Garam's mocking voice interrupted us from behind. I turned around to face her. Eunchae was hugging her from behind and at her sides, as usual, the clones.

"What? Do you like them?" I asked hypocritically. "I was about to throw them away, but if you want them, they're yours," I smiled. "I think anything would be better than those," I grimaced at her shoes.

"I didn't even pay attention to her response because all of my attention was focused on Minji, who was walking towards us with a white box in her hands."

"Here," she handed them over, not caring about the others. "Wait for me at the exit," she whispered in my ear before walking away down the hallway. Everyone looked surprised except Eunchae, who far from being "surprised," was furious. Eat your heart out with jealousy!

"So, do you want them?" I burst out laughing before turning around and continuing to walk down the hallway with Danielle.

"Do you still think you'll lose?" I asked Danielle, laughing.

"I must admit, it surprises me," she said incredulously. "And what's that?" she asked, pointing to the white box with her eyes.

"I don't know," I replied honestly as I took the lid off to open it. When I saw the contents, I couldn't help but laugh; they were the boots I had thrown away yesterday.

"She's crazy if she thinks you'll wear those," Danielle said confidently.

"I bought them," I told her, and her eyes widened.

"No way."

"Really," I laughed. "Yesterday she said I wasn't her type, so I bought them," I explained. "She still didn't like me even then, so when I got home, I threw them in the trash," Danielle shook her head.

"That girl is stepping on Kang Haerin," she laughed.

"For now," I smiled. "I'll get back at her, Dani."

"Now you look pretty," that hypocritical voice chimed in. "What's next? Ripped jeans and a black leather jacket?" she laughed.

"I forgot you wanted the shoes," I grimaced in annoyance. "But I'm sure you'll find them in the second-floor dumpster," I kept walking without even looking back at her; I wasn't interested in getting into an argument right now.

Classes passed quickly; it was hard to focus trying to figure out why Kim wanted to see me at the exit, especially since she kept saying "Stay away from me."

It was amusing to see everyone surprised at the absence of my heels; it had been a drastic change.

Finally, the last bell of the day rang, and the "fabulous" teacher wouldn't stop talking. Typical, you want to leave early, and the teachers decide to stay longer. The dictator finally shut her mouth and let us go. I gathered my books to go to my locker and drop off the ones I wouldn't need for homework.

We were the last class to leave; Minji would probably have already gone, somewhat disappointed. I walked out of the building, really curious about what she wanted.

I was descending the building's stairs when I spotted her; she was sitting on one of the benches on the campus sidewalk, looking towards the parking lot. Her elbows were resting on her knees where her jacket lay; now she only wore a white shirt, a white and provocative shirt.

I approached quietly, achieving my goal, and hugged her from behind. She startled a bit, but upon realizing it was me, she didn't move.

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